Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week Nineteen: Empire Records - Innocence Mission - "Bright as Yellow" - Empire Records Soundtrack

+++++++Spoiler Alert+++++++

I will be revealing what happens throughout the course of the film as I am simultaneously speaking about the soundtrack; so you might want to go watch it before reading these posts...


So after Corey realizes that she has been double-crossed by Gina and Rex Manning, she has a bit of a freak out, especially once Gina reveals that Corey is addicted to diet pills so that she can stay up all night studying in order to get into Harvard.

Joe sends Gina home, and Debra takes Corey into the restroom and dunks her face in the sink to calm her down.  Then just to prove that she is still punk rock, Debra sits down on the toilet and pees in front of Corey.  Corey wants to know why Debra is being so nice to her, but Debra wants to be spared of what she calls a "Hallmark moment".

All the while, this lovely song is playing in the background.  Sadly, it is so faint that you can barely hear it, but I'm pleased that it made it onto the soundtrack because it would have been easily overlooked otherwise.  I think the video is so fitting for the song as well.  Who doesn't love fireflies?!?!?!  Oh, and the guitar playing sends chills down my spine - very reminiscent of that one Chris Isaak song - "Wicked Game"!!!!!

And you live life with your arms reached out.
Eye to eye when speaking.
Enter rooms with great joy shouts,
happy to be meeting.

And bright,
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.

And I do not want to be a rose.
I do not wish to be pale pink,
but flower scarlet, flower gold.
And have no thorns to distance me,

but be bright,
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.

Even if I'm shining, even if I'm shining here
Even if I'm shouting, do you see that I'm wanting,
that I want to be so so
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.

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