Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week Twenty-Two: Movie Melodies - .38 Special - "Caught Up In You" - Whip It Soundtrack

Many times in life, I feel as though I have fallen in love with “the idea” of something more than I have fallen in love with that something, itself. I can think of three prime examples right off the top of my head.

The first example would be the idea of being in a band. My idea of what it was going to be like was that we would be able to write a few catchy tunes, to fetch up a hardworking manager, and to have throngs of adoring fans within a few months. Not so, my dear blogland friends, not so... although, we did have a few (okay two) adoring fans within months – one even created a fancy schmancy website for us.

Moving right along, my second example would be my idea of being a teacher. My idea of what it would be like to be a teacher was that I would get up in front of my class of well-fed, well-rested, and well-loved students and would spout off insanely interesting lessons to masses of kiddos with straight “A” averages. The “well-fed, well-rested, and well-loved students” bit always somehow seems to get into the way, and I have absolutely no control over that!!  As for my ability to teach, I will share with you that every year, thus far, one of my former students has graduated Valedictorian of his or her high school class. Therefore, you can be the judge of that one... although, I would never claim full credit for their accomplishments!!!

My third and final example, which actually relates to this song – believe it or not - would be the idea of roller derby. Now, I was never foolish enough to actually try out for a roller derby team, but the idea of wearing one of those tough, flashy outfits with some speed skates and selecting a clever derby name always seemed so enticing.

However, after watching a few documentaries on derby, the reality of the sport became evident: violence, bruises, broken bones, etc. So I lived vicariously through the girls in the documentaries and films like Whip It, with Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page. I'm sure I heard this song long before the film, but I don't think I actually had a reason to grow fond of it until it was in the film.

Nevertheless, when I hear this tune, it makes me want to lace up my skates and go for a few laps around the block with the girls in the film. I really do own my very own pair of skates, and I pull them out a few times every year to go skating with the little girl that I mentor in Big Brothers Big Sisters and to go skating with my students as one of their P.E. lessons. They are always blown away by my Hokey-Pokey skills... because, ya know, "that's what it's all about"... and all!! :-)


I never knew there'd come a day 
When I'd be sayin' to you 
"Don't let this good love slip away 
Now that we know that it's true." 
Don't, don't you know the kind of man I am 
No, said I'd never fall in love again 
But it's real and the feeling comes shining through. 

So caught up in you, little girl 
And I never did suspect a thing 
So caught up in you, little girl 
That I never want to get myself free 

And baby it's true 
You're the one 
Who caught me baby you taught me 
How good it could be 
It took so long to change my mind 

I thought that love was a game 
I played around enough to find 
No two are ever the same
You made me realized the love I missed 
So hot! Love I couldn't quite resist 
When it's right the light just comes shining through. 

So caught up in you, little girl 
You're the one that's got me down on my knees 
So caught up in you, little girl 
That I never want to get myself free 

And baby it's true 
You're the one 
Who caught me, baby you taught me 
How good it could be 
Fill your days and your nights 
No need to ever ask me twice oh no 
Whenever you want me 
And if ever comes a day 
When you should turn and walk away oh no 

I can't live without you 
So caught up in you 
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah 
And if ever comes a day 
When you should turn and walk away oh no 

I can't live without you 
So caught up in you, little girl 
You're the one that's got me down on my knees 
So caught up in you , little girl 
That I never want to get myself free 

And baby it's true 
You're the one 
Who caught me baby you taught me 
How good it could be, little girl 
You're the one that's got me down on my knees 
So caught up in you, little girl 
That I never want to get myself free 

And baby it's true 
You're the one 
Who caught me and taught me 
You got me so caught up in you

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