Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week Twenty-Three: IIV/SP - Skinny Puppy - "Dig It" - Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse

Week Twenty-Three goes to IIV (Images In Vogue) & SP (Skinny Puppy).  Images In Vogue was a Canadian New Wave band that found fame in the early 80s.  The connection to Skinny Puppy is that Kevin Compton, who was the drummer for Images In Vogue, left the band to focus on his side project, which happened to be Skinny Puppy.  You might be more familiar with him under his moniker of cEvin Key.

I was introduced to Images In Vogue after I had made the acquaintance of the singer in my former band.  He was a huge fan of Skinny Puppy, and he had discovered the Images In Vogue connection.  However, I was actually introduced to Skinny Puppy through a boyfriend that I had in high school many, many years before I ever learned of Images In Vogue.  I have really only known guys to be avid Skinny Puppy fans, but that's not to say that there are not females out there who are equally enamored by them.

Skinny Puppy is definitely an acquired taste, and I never really got into them more than the three songs that I will post during IIV/SP week.  In fact, I know so little about both bands (and I'm seriously overloaded with tests, assignments, and grading right now) that I am just going to re-post this same blurb of info for each song that I speak of this week, but I would like to get their music out there because it is really good!!!  I'll be back to my daily commentary next week - bear with me, s'il vous plait!!!

Love cannot attach itself to binding ugliness 
Rot in silence to advise life the point at hand 
Indifference resolving of each others needs 
Dress it up in false kindness create empathy 
Hungry lie beside name your game 
Feelings feeling sorry that I ever came 
Dissolve taste sweet nothing corporate nothing 
Illogical of own accord with choice of politics 
Open your eyes to verify the life experience 
Practitioner of medicine belong until the end 
Bringing hope scars the point extend eternity 
Dig it dig it 
Execute economic slave 
Dig it dig it 
Feel it unearthly remains 
Dig it dig it 
Freedom as an offering 
Dig it dig it 
Ask again 
Flesh and bone attach itself to ancient monuments 
Unsurpassed except for us unheard violence 
Departure from the fragrant ledge fallen magistrate 
Give it back a claim to right value ecstasy 
Hungry live decide name your game 
Feelings feeling sorry that I ever came 
Sugar and water dissolves the taste sweet nothing 
Dig it dig it 
Execute economic slave 
Dig it dig it 
Feel it unearthly remains 
Dig it dig it 
Freedom as an offering 
Dig it dig it 
Ask again 

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