Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week Nine: The Psychedelic Furs - "Love My Way" - Greatest Hits

I most associate this song, “Love My Way”, with a film. No, it's not the film, Valley Girl, which is actually where I probably first heard it, but that's a darn good guess, if that is what you initially thought. It is actually the film, The Wedding Singer.

Now, if you have not seen The Wedding Singer, stop reading this right now, locate it on the web, watch it, and then resume reading this after the viewing... I suppose I should also mention that I saw the musical version of The Wedding Singer when it was part of The Dallas Summer Musicals. That's how much I love it!! It's just so jam-packed with 80s silliness, and it is totally freakin' hilarious!!

So in the scene where this is playing, Robbie is helping Julia into her douchebag fiance's car, which is blasting the theme song from Miami Vice, after she has had way too much to drink. The fiance has just revealed to Robbie that he cheats on Julia all the time. Simultaneously, “Love My Way” is being played in the club as they are leaving. It's almost as if Robbie is sending out a message, via the universe, for Julia to leave her no-good fiance and to learn to love his way.

I will not reveal to you how this sweet little film ends because if you watched it, you already know, and if you haven't watched it, you shouldn't even be reading this right now because I instructed you earlier to stop reading and go watch it! :-D

There's an army
on the dancefloor
it's a fashion
with a gun my love
in a room
without a door
a kiss is not enough

love my way
it's a new road
I follow where
my mind goes

they'd put us
on a railroad
they'd dearly
make us pay
for laughing
in their faces
and making it our way
there's emptiness
behind their eyes
there's dust
in all their hearts
they just want to
steal us all
and take us all apart

but not in
love my way
it's a new road
I follow where
my mind goes

swallow all your tears my love
put on your new face
you can never win or lose
if you don't run the race

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