Monday, August 20, 2012

Week Sixteen: Screeching Weasel - "Totally" - Anthem for a New Tomorrow

I was actually introduced to Screeching Weasel through this song, "Totally," which I strongly suggest that you check out when you get a chance if you have never heard it.  So, if I recall correctly, the story went a little something like this...

Right around the end of my junior year in high school, I was getting a bit tired of being goth (wearing all that black and being sad all the time is incredibly exhausting- no, really, it is), so I decided that I would flirt around with punk a bit (as well as punk boys).  It was one of these punk boys who made known to me the awesomeness that is Screeching Weasel. 

My relationship with punk lasted about as long as my relationship with this punk boy, which was about the length of a summer, if even that.  However, I did incorporate lots of pairs of super cool plaid pants into my wardrobe as a result of my short-lived relationship.  Believe it or not, the best place to locate them was in the men's department of the local thrift store.  After a few minor alterations, they were perfect.  In fact, I even still have a pair (and I can even still fit into them - go me)!! :-D

Totally cool that your hair is blue
I totally drool when I think about you
Totally neat totally sweet
Totally knocked me off my feet
Totally rad but it's too bad
You're not aware of all my plans
I totally lust when I see you around
The Belmont bus takes me right by your house
Totally neat totally sweet
Totally knocked me off my feet
Totally lame that you won't say
You'll hang out with me every day
I totally, I totally,

 love everything about you
I totally, I totally,
love everything about you

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