Friday, August 24, 2012

Week Sixteen: Screeching Weasel - "Peter Brady" - Anthem for a New Tomorrow

This song is ridiculously hilarious, and I cannot listen to it without chuckling a bit.  I loved The Brady Bunch, and Peter Brady was, by far, my favorite.  Boy, did I have a serious crush on him when I was a kid!  However, I knew that, in reality, he was way too old for me.

Interestingly enough, it turns out that his most recent ex-wife is actually younger than I am by quite a few years.  Peter Brady was played by Christopher Knight, who ended up on VH-1's Surreal Life.  His wife, Adrianne Curry, who was the Season One Winner of America's Next Top Model, was also on that show, which is where they met.  Together, they starred in a show called My Fair Brady, where he eventually proposed to and married her.

Yes, I used to waste countless hours watching all of that trash TV, and I will never get those hours of my life back - ever!!!

I remembered the exact episode of The Brady Bunch to which this song was referring as soon as I heard those lines at the end.  Again, countless hours of youth were spent in front of the TV. 

Fortunately for me, I have not owned a television for two years; therefore, I will not have to look back and regret anymore wasted TV time...  I do not fault people for watching TV; it's just that, for me, the best decision was to rid myself of it completely!!  When my students question my choice to go TV-less, I respond, "Why would I want to sit around watching others' fake lives when I could be out living my own real life?"  It makes them scratch their heads and think for a moment...

Don't you see that people
Will like you for who you are
'Cause life is like a sitcom, a senior prom
And I'm OK and you're OK
Grade A - 10-4 - roger - over and out
Listen up - check it out
There's something ugly inside of you
There's a big empty hole there inside of you
There's something creepy crawling on your brain
There's something in you
It's red white and blue inside of you
As long as you don't have
Lots of zits or small tits

Or crooked teeth
Then you won't be a freak, a wildebeest
And people won't tape signs onto your back
Or beat the crap out of you
Or ignore your sorry ass
See, there's something vapid inside of you
There's a sweet little robot inside of you
So take off that silly moustache
Don't be a baby
There's a Pete Brady inside of you
Boy, I really learned a lot today
ONE: You act your age
TWO: You don't try to be something you're not
THREE: You find out in advance
What restaurant your mom and dad are going to
And go someplace else

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