Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week Sixteen: Screeching Weasel - "Cool Kids" - Bark Like a Dog

So as I embark upon my ninth and final year of teaching, before I move into the area of law, I am feeling slightly angst-ridden.  Screeching Weasel has always been my "go-to" band when I feel this way.  I just don't want to be stuck in a teaching contract for one more year, but I don't have much choice because I have a few more legal courses to finish up.  I suppose I should also be grateful that I have a job.

Therefore, I will return on Monday to the "Cool Kids", the freaks, the geeks, the athletes, the cheerleaders, the brainiacs, and everything in-between.  Since my school is a small private school, we have from kindergarten to eighth grade in the building.  So I suppose I will technically be graduating with the little folks who were the kindergartners when I first arrived back in 2004.  I am teaching them as 8th graders this year.

What really sticks with me in regards to this particular tune is that a few years ago, I was returning to Dallas from a road trip to San Antonio, and I stopped to get gas at a tiny little gas station somewhere off I-35.  There was a cute little punk girl behind the register, and I think she had to catch her breath from pure shock when I commented that I liked her Screeching Weasel tune, which happened to be "Cool Kids".  I imagine that not too many of the Podunk, Hillbilly types from her town expressed appreciation for her musical tastes!! :-D

I found a super cool video for this song on youtube that someone created using stick figures - totally worth the watch:

There's a real cool club on the other side of town
Where the real cool kids
Go to sit around
And talk bad
About the other kids

Yeah it's a real cool club
And you're not part of it

There's Millie, Pickles and Pattycakes too
And Cubby's making mean jokes about you
Ha Ha
Ya little twit
Yeah it's a real cool club, and you're not part of it

They're a real cool bunch of Die
And they'll laugh at the Toughskins
Your mom got you from Sears
You dork
They'll never let you in
'Cause it's a real cool club and you're not part of it

You're fat and ugly
And an imbecile too
And that's why the draw funny pictures of you
And talk bad about all the kids

'Cause it's a real cool club, and you're not part of it
Yeah it's a real cool club, and you'll never be a part of it
Yeah it's a real cool club, and you're not part of it
Yeah it's a real cool club, and you'll never be a part of it

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