Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week Fifteen: XENON Mix - The Farm - "All Together Now" - Spartacus

Week Fifteen belongs to the most wickedly cool teen club that opened in Dallas in the early 90s - XENON

*****UPDATE***** 09/21/2012 --- Check out this fancy little token of photographic history that found its way into my inbox last night:

So back in 1991, when I was beginning my 8th grade year, a local teen nightclub, called XENON, opened up off of Northwest Highway and Abrams Road, across from Keller's Hamburgers.  Prior to XENON taking over, it had been Monopolies or Metropolis, or possibly both.  I never got the full story on that.  However, now I think it is a Tejano club. 

XENON catered to those (supposedly) aged 14 - 18-years-old, but seriously, there was no way to truly know how old anyone was without proper ID, which one did not acquire until the tender age of 16.  So there's no telling how old most of the patrons actually were.

The nightclub was nowhere near where I lived at the time - a lovely (and I use that term loosely here) little neighborhood called Pleasant Grove (which is anything but Pleasant these days) - but that did not stop me from begging, pleading, and driving my dear mother crazy about taking me to XENON.

I finally broke her down, and she began driving me and my friends to XENON almost weekly.  I was madly in love with the place!!  They had smoke machines around the dance floor, and to this day, I cannot smell that smoky mist without being taken back to that dance floor at XENON.  They also had the most amazing light system, and more importantly, they had phenomenal music.

The Farm is the same band who introduced that insanely annoying song called "Groovy Train", but I forgive them for that error, since they also released this tune, which was the first song that I ever heard upon entering the doors of XENON.

Remember boy that your forefather's died
Lost in millions for a country's pride
But they never mention the trenches of Belgium
When they stopped fighting and they were one

A spirit stronger than war was at work that night

December 1914 cold, clear and bright
Countries' borders were right out of sight
When they joined together and decided not to fight

All together now
All together now
All together now, in no man's land

All together now
All together now
All together now, in no man's land

The same old story again
All those tears shed in vain
Nothing learnt and nothing gained
Only hope remains

All together now
All together now
All together now
In no man's land
All together now
All together now
All together now
In no man's land

The boys had their say they said no
Stop the slaughter let's go home, let's go, let's go


  1. friends and I went to Xenon a handful of times...what fun it was to pretend to be older and cooler! Haha. "My mom said if your mom picks us up my mom will take us! Get your mom to pick us up pleeeeeease!!!" Great memories.

    1. Ha! Too funny!! Thanks for sharing. I still look over and smile as I drive by what used to be XENON when I'm travelling up and down Northwest Highway. Very fond memories indeed for me, as well!
