Friday, June 15, 2012

Week Six: Jesus Jones - "Right Here, Right Now" - Doubt

I'm not exactly sure why I chose to leave this song for my very last JJ post because it was the one that actually began my love affair with Mike Edwards and the band.  Back in 1991, this hit was all over the airwaves and MTV, and it rocked hard!

I remember that the term "alternative-new-waver" came into our everyday lingo around that time.  Therefore if you were inclined to wear dark colored tights under your shorts, have dark hair, dark eye make-up, and red lips (but not in a goth sort of way), and listen to bands like Jesus Jones and EMF, you were an "alternative-new-waver", at least in my social circle.

Jesus Jones came and went very quickly, and I was so incredibly fickle with my musical tastes at that time that I was leaning more towards the emerging Britpop bands.  Regardless, I will always have a deep appreciation for Jesus Jones and all the amazing times I had dancing to their songs at Xenon, the local teen club, and at Six Flags.  In fact, every time I ride the Texas Giant, even while I am shaking like a psycho maniac since it is such a rough ride, I still try to point out the very spot that I met the band to whomever is seated next to me.

A woman on the radio talks about revolution
When it's already passed her by
Bob Dylan didn't have this to sing about you
You know it feels good to be alive

I was alive and I waited, waited
I was alive and I waited for this

Right here, right now, there is no other place I wanna be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history

I saw the decade in, when it seemed
The world could change at the blink of an eye
And if anything then there's your sign
Of the times

I was alive and I waited, waited
I was alive and I waited for this
Right here, right now

I was alive and I waited, waited
I was alive and I waited for this

Right here, right now, there is no other place I wanna be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history

Right here, right now, there is no other place I wanna be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history

Right here, right now, there is no other place I wanna be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up

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