Monday, June 11, 2012

Week Six: Jesus Jones - "Are You Satisfied?" - Doubt

So, believe it or not, this is actually my favorite Jesus Jones song!  I have never been one to live my life based on what I am supposed to do.  In fact, I take great satisfaction in making sure that my life does not neatly fit on the shelf.  I watch my friends and family members in their pseudo-happy marriages with their pseudo-happy families and lifestyles and ask myself, "How can they be satisfied with this?"

I once read an article (okay, so it was on Yahoo! News but...whatever) that said that many married women with children often have to actually convince themselves daily that they are happy and that this is the life that they wanted, in order not to suffer grave psychological disorders.  How pitiful is that?!?!?

Believe me, I am not trying to come across as if all married couples and parents are miserable, but it seems to me like those situations disintegrate more than they last.  In fact, my best friend revealed to me the other day that while her father was next to her mother's hospital bed, while he was in fear that she was dying, he stated that he cheated on her all the time.  Seriously?!?!?  Things like that just completely destroy my concepts of good and evil.

So, where am I going with all of this?  I suppose it's to say that although my personal choice has been to avoid most of the things that I am supposed to be desiring: marriage, children, wealth, multiple vehicles, homes, etc., I am completely satisfied.  When I lay my head on my pillow at night, I sleep soundly with no regrets!!  So, yes, Jesus Jones, I am satisfied!!!  Thanks for asking!!!! :-D

Are you satisfied?
Do you know what you want?
Will it go with you when you die?
Oh, the things I could do for you
If you want me to
If you want me to you've lost the point,
Start again
All the things you want from me
Don't come easily
If I give them away they're worth even less
Than they are now
Are you satisfied?
Do you know what you want?
Will it go with you when you die?
When the time's gone by
Will you ask why
There was so much left
To try?
How do you do these things?
I don't see any strings
When you pull me in and everything is
All I want from you
Here before my eyes
You have set the prize
But as soon as I touch
It always turns to dust
Oh, how do you do it?
Oh, how do you do it?
All the things I could do for you (I could do for you)
If you want me to (If you want me to)
All the things you want from me
Don't come easily
Are you satisfied?
Do you know what you want?
Will it go with you when you die?
When the time's gone by
Will you ask why
There was so much left
to try?
Oh, how do you do it?
How? how do you do it?
Oh, how do you do it?
Oh, how do you do it?

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