Sunday, June 3, 2012

Week Five: Peter Murphy - "Keep Me From Harm" - Holy Smoke

Way back in 1993, when I received my license and my first car - a 1987 Hyundai Excel - stick shift, I was basically the equivalent of a taxicab service for my friends and acquaintances until they received their freedom, as well, in the form of a plastic government-issued card.  It did, however, always allow me the ability to have a full tank of gas as a result of everyone pitching in for gas funds.

Most of my friends and acquaintances knew that I was in full control of the radio and did not even bother to argue to the contrary.  I remember, however, that my dear friend, Stephanie, purchased me a ton of new cassettes for Christmas that year because she told me that she could not tolerate "that much Siouxsie".

One of the cassettes was Holy Smoke by Peter Murphy.  Being a huge fan of his already and being strapped for cash to purchase new music as a result of my barely-above-minimum-wage job at the deli, I did not decline her request to play this album.  Although, much to her dismay, since it was not my favorite Peter Murphy album, by any means, she was still forced to listen to lots of Siouxsie.

Health is all I'm asking for
Love is all I need
Hope is what I'm asking for
Lay me down to sleep
It was then that I lost you
Was dragged there too
Under a sea of mystery
Died there along with you
Love me hold me keep me from harm
Love me hold me keep me from harm
Guess you found your own root
Dug into that fast heart
Flew without wing or pinion
Now you orbit the stars
Now haunted and weary
Your vision creeps
I need a clear water
I need a release
Love me hold me keep me from harm
Love me hold me keep me from harm

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