Monday, December 31, 2012

Week Thirty-Five: Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - "Secret" - The Best of OMD

Did you miss me yesterday?!?! ;-) Believe me, it felt super-weird for me not to post anything, especially since I have been posting daily since May... it was almost as if I was shirking some major responsibility...

But on to more serious matters... Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (hereinafter referred to as OMD) is a band that has the uncanny ability to put me in a super-duper amazingly good mood, and since I feel that 2013 is going to be a super-duper amazingly good year, I determined that OMD would be the perfect band to usher in this New Year!

This song is such a sweet, sweet little tune. It just has a dreamy and soothing nature about it. Secrets are so much fun too! And in keeping with the New Year's theme, for me, a new  year always seems to be full of fresh starts and lots of little "secrets" waiting to reveal themselves over the coming months. 

I've got a secret and I can’t explain
All the time, I've waited for this day
All along I was never in doubt
I always knew it would never get out
There are things that I cannot tell 
And there are things that you know damn well
This is getting very hard for me
I guess you’d better just wait and see

This is all, this is all

You heard a message and the message was clear
All the time you wipe away that tear
All I want is to hold your hand
To see the sun and walk the sand
You make me sad and you make me glad
And now you see all my secret is this love
Is love, is love
My secret is this love

Everyday you’re always there
You comfort me
And make me feel it’s worth my while
And then I look around and you’re not there
And everyday you say you care and I’ll beware

This is all, this is all

I’ve got a secret and I can’t explain
All I want is to hold your hand
All along I was never in doubt
To see the sun and to walk the sand

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Re-Introduction: The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat & FAQ's

My Dearest Blogland Readers:

It should not surprise you at all when I tell you that I am one of those individuals who actually spends time writing goals and a game plan for my New Year, and in case you were wondering, yes, for the most part, I do stick to them!!!

With that being said, one of my major goals for this upcoming year is to transition to a career as a paralegal. In order to do that, I need to complete two more courses - Real Property and Advanced Legal Research & Writing. I'm not so concerned about the Real Property class (other than the fact that it will be insanely boring), but from what I have been told, the Advanced Legal Research & Writing class has a killer workload that requires one to spend countless hours in the law library. I am in love with the law library - so that's not the issue. I do, however, see the countless hours part posing a dilemma!

I am not prepared to completely abandon this blog because I am very attached to it, but I will have to cut back on the number of days per week that I post. I think I can realistically turn out at least four good & solid posts per week. So I am taking tomorrow off, and I'll be back with a brand new post starting on Monday, December 31, 2012. Then I'll post weekly from Monday through Thursday. That honestly seems to be when I get the vast majority of traffic to the site; so I am also attempting to accommodate all of you who read my random silliness... and because I don't think I have had an opportunity to say it: "Thank you to anyone who has taken a moment to read my random silliness... it actually does mean a lot to me!!!"




Over the past few months, some individuals have posed different questions to me in regards to my blog and various posts... so I will attempt to answer them below...

1) Why do you keep calling it a mixed-tape??? I call it a mix-tape!

Okay, this one, for me, is a grammatical thing. If you call it a mix, then mix is being used as a noun. If you call it a tape, then tape is also being used as a noun. A noun cannot be used to describe another noun. That's where our other friends, also known as adjectives, come into play. Mixed is the adjective form - like mixed nuts and mixed salads... and mixed-tapes... don't worry, though, I won't hold it against you if you call it a mix-tape. Okay, maybe I'll cringe a little bit on the inside (and so would all the nuns who taught me grammar --- no, wait, they would smack you with a ruler).

2) How do you know if people actually read what you write?

Honestly, I have no way of knowing if people read what I write unless they specifically comment on something that I posted; however, I did not create this blog with the intentions of anyone other than friends and family accessing and enjoying it.

I was giddy with excitement when I hit 100 pageviews; I was exuberant when I got 1000 pageviews, and I was bursting with fruit flavor when I last saw that I had over 3800 pageviews!

Blogspot gives you a fancy little dashboard that tells you how many pageviews you have and the top ten countries of your viewers. It's fairly safe to assume that the views from Russia are bogus and have me linked to some gnarly sex sites, but from what I can tell, the others appear to be somewhat valid. Still, there is no guarantee that any of them actually read anything --- and why does everyone dislike reading so much - what's wrong with people?!?!?

3) Is anybody officially following your blog?

I don't even know. I never turned that feature on when I got to the widget's screen --- that's why you don't ever see a bunch of random peoples' profile pictures off to the right of my blog, under or above the post history, like you see on other blogs. Maybe I do have followers & maybe I don't --- the world will never know... nor will I. I sort of like the mystery of it all!!!

4) Which posts have been accessed the most?

Actually, people can stop by my blog and fiddle around without having to access any specific posts, so I'll never have a truly accurate count of that information. However, I am given stats as to which posts were specifically clicked on and how many times, but I only have the ability to see the top ten here, as well. I'll break it down for you below:

I) In the top spot is the post that I did around the one-year anniversary of Amy Winehouse's death. From what I can gather, it seems like most people access that one to look at her tattoos. I don't even know from where I snagged that picture, but it has become quite popular! The dashboard shows what people typed into the Google search to get to the site, and these two searches were my favorite for this post: from France - "tatouage d'élvis" & from Latvia (I'm guessing this translates to Amy Winehouse tattoos) - "эми уайнхаус тату"

II & III) It appears that my favorite young gentlemen in the local band, Sunglasses & Sugar, hold the second and third spots. Most of these views came from the Facebook & website links & Google searches that sent traffic my way. Take heed when I say that this band will become one of your new favorites if you give them a listen --- very catchy music & lyrics --- check 'em out --- you know you want to. As I tell my students when I am coercing them to do something, like homework or studying or silent reading: "C'mon, all the 'cool kids' are doing it! Don't you wanna be a 'cool kid'?!?!?" --- they either laugh or roll their eyes at me...

IV) The next one is kind of odd --- The Pocket Rockers - Tiffany post. I couldn't determine if it was the Yiddish banter in the comments, or if it was the picture update of Donnie & me at the show, or if it was just the fact that people were really interested in what I had to say about Tiffany that made this one so popular. I suppose it could also be the link from the band site, as well.

V) That one is followed by the Halloween post --- that was a fun one for me!!! I'm glad that others seemed to enjoy it too!

VI) After that one is Morrissey, whom I am patiently waiting to see in February, with "My Love Life"... That was another fun post, and the video is one of my all-time faves. Somebody asked me if I really had to wipe drool off my keyboard... uh, no, I was joking about that!!!

VII) The next one is the Tammy Wynette post. I had just lost my grandmother a few days before that one, and I was so, so sad. When my iPod picked this one, however, it reminded me of my other grandmother too, and I wanted everyone to see how insanely awesome all of my grandparents were!!! It sucks that I don't get anymore holiday celebrations with them, but I will always have my memories... and yes, my maternal grandparents really were the Polka King & Queen of Texas. They even danced on one of those floats in the State Fair of Texas parade that year.

VIII & IX) These are both posts about the teen club XENON --- that place kicked @rse and introduced me to many of the bands that I still adore today! And for all of you Erasure fans, Vince Clark will be at the Lizard Lounge on Friday, January 18, 2013. 

X) The last one is the Jane's Addiction - "Classic Girl" post. Two words here: Casey Niccoli... need I say more?!?!?!

5) Do you make any money doing this?

Um, no, and I don't make much money as a teacher either --- so not everything is about money for me. I love music, and I love literature... they are my passions... blogging about bands allows me to have the best of both worlds in this case! It has been suggested that I look into putting some ads up on my blog to see if I can generate income, but I cannot bring myself to do it... I hate it when I try to access a blog and I have to wait almost five minutes for all of those ads and widgets to pull up... therefore, I have no intention of doing that to anyone who accesses my blog... I like to keep it simple - it's a good motto for life too!


And if you have made it this far, then you definitely deserve a reward!! I'm a teacher; it's my duty to reward good and dedicated behaviors. So what I will offer you is the video to my favorite song in the whole wide world - "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure. Even when I finally get around to having The Cure week, I will most likely talk about some of their more obscure material; so I am not ruining anything. Most people are amazed that, since I have such a wide variety of musical tastes, I am able to narrow it down to just one, but this song has been my favorite since the first time I heard those drums and that bass line kick in at some point in 1988. I'll even show you proof throughout the years:

In 1992, we had to create a poetry portfolio for my Honors English class, and we had to include the lyrics to our favorite song. My teacher's comments were: "some very moving images - also good examples of personification". This was the cover I created for that part of the project:

In 1996, the school gave us one of those Senior Year memory books to fill out. When asked for my favorite music video, I wrote in - "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure. I've circled it for you:

And hanging above my desk, on my side of the room, in my dorm at Bruce Hall were the lyrics to "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure. That's from a project I had to do junior year in high school. I held on to it through college, as well. I've also circled it in the picture for you:

And even to this very day, hanging on the wall of my bedroom, are the lyrics to "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure... It's been my favorite song for almost 25 years... now that's dedication. Above them are the lyrics to "Kiss Them for Me" by Siouxsie & the Banshees because, although "Just Like Heaven" is my favorite song, Siouxsie & the Banshees has been my favorite band since 1991. Yes, those are Christmas lights, and yes, they do remain up year-round. I once had a close friend ask me when I was going to "grow up" and get adult decorations for my house. My response: "Why? So I can be like everyone else?":

And I figured that since I had to type the lyrics out for that poetry portfolio project, I might as well use them here too... and that's on an old-school typewriter:

See you all on Monday!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - Air - "Sexy Boy" - Moon Safari

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

“Sexy Boy” – what an interesting little tune!! This song rose to fame around 1998. At that time, I was working at that coffee shop called Torrefazione Italia, which was located inside the Virgin Records Megastore at Grapevine Mills Mall, and this video was in their loop. 

It wasn’t the greatest job by any means (in fact, I was assaulted by a mentally-deranged customer one morning – he grabbed me by the wrist and tried to push me back into the kitchen because I told him that he would have to pay $1.00 for a Coke... there were police and pressing charges involved and the whole shebang), but the Virgin Megastore played music and/or music videos all day long; so that made it much more tolerable.

“Sexy Boy” is a lovely, little electronic tune with French and English interspersed. When I first saw the video, I couldn’t help but flashback to “Take on Me” by a-ha, with the cartoon/real-life mix. However, where “Take on Me” makes me want to break out my best 80’s dance moves and attempt to hit the high notes, “Sexy Boy” makes me want to lie in a field of daffodils looking up at the odd cloud shapes whilst trying to figure out the meaning of life.

“Sexy Boy” also takes me back to a time of Lattes, Mochas, and Cappucinos and watching all the sexy music-loving boys walk out in bliss with their over-priced purchases from the Virgin Megastore. 

Sexy boy, sexy boy... 

Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes
Où sont tes idoles mal rasées, bien habillées

(Where are your heroes with bodies like athletes
Where are your rough shaven, well dressed idols.)

Sexy boy, sexy boy... 

Dans leurs yeux des dollars
Dans leurs sourires des diamants
Moi aussi un jour je serai beau comme un Dieu

(Dollars in their eyes
Diamonds in their smiles
One day I too will be beautiful like a god.)

Sexy boy, sexy boy... 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - Squirrel Nut Zippers - "Suits are Picking Up the Bill" - Perennial Favorites

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

The Squirrel Nut Zippers are that loveable 1920s/30s swing-inspired band that found fame in the late 1990s. The person whom I most associate with this band is Natasha.

Now, before I tell you about Natasha, I must rewind a bit and tell you about Hot Topic – yes, Hot Topic – home of goth-in-a-box. Many of you may not know (or even care) that the very first Hot Topic that opened up in the DFW metroplex was in Vista Ridge Mall in Lewisville around 1997. How do I know this? Well, I'll be happy to divulge that information.

Natasha was sent here from Las Vegas to open this very first Hot Topic in DFW. She was also given the task of hand-selecting the flagship crew. Natasha saw my friend, Jason, and me at a party and decided that she must have us both. Jason jumped on board right away, but I was more hesitant. Don't get me wrong – I HATED waiting tables at Applebee's, but I also wasn't thrilled about driving to Lewisville from Denton five nights a week for minimum wage. Ultimately, I declined the offer to sell my soul to the retail demons, and it's a good thing I did because I don't think I would have ever been able to forgive myself for working there.

Nonetheless, from what I was told, Natasha listened incessantly to the Squirrel Nut Zippers. I wouldn't know... in this case, it is safe to assume that she and I were never BFF's. She was quite offended that I was the only person she selected who chose not to take her up on her offer to be employed by her establishment.

I'm also including another favorite by SNZ called "Hell"...

In a line at the cafe
I overheard the waitress say:
"These cats is broke, I knows 'em 
Throw 'em out the doors and close 'em
Get 'em outta here"
Spirits sagging, funds are low
This occupation has got to go
Up pulls a limo, up goes a thrill
The suits are picking up the bill!
It's alright for them to tag along
It's just one bill they're tacking on
I'll find some way to get along
The business suits to the rescue
So nice doing business with you
You will really ape and clown when you realize the dough they're shelling out
For the deal!
The suits are picking up the bill
I cannot see from where I'm standing
My friends have passed out on a landing
Guess one too many has left us high and dry
I'll be feeling down 'til the suits get back in town

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - Sugar - "If I Can't Change Your Mind" - If I Can't Change Your Mind (EP)

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

Back when I worked at “the deli”, we were surrounded by the coolest shops in our complex. Next door, as I have previously mentioned, was The Pocket Sandwich Theater; immediately above us was A Teacher's Aide, and upstairs and off to the right was Mohawk Music, an independent record shop.

It was at Mohawk Music, in the bargain bin, where I acquired this single. I imagine that I most likely heard it first on, none other than, The Adventure Club. I tried to check out some of Sugar's other work and found it to be a pretty big disappointment (other than “Helpless” - that's also a good tune); however, this little number is fantastic, and “if I can't change your mind, then no one will...”  ;-D

Tears fill up my eyes
I'm washed away with sorrow
And somewhere in my mind
I know there's no tomorrow
I see you're leaving soon
I guess you've had your fill
But if I can't change your mind
Then no one will

And all throughout the years
I've never strayed from you my dear
But you suspect I'm somewhere else
You're feeling sorry for yourself
Leaving with a broken heart
I love you even still
But if I can't change your mind
Then no one will

Even though my heart keeps breaking
Don't you know that I'll be waiting
Here for you
Then when you return
When will you return
I hope you see I'm dedicated
Look how long that I have waited
If you come back then you will find
A different person
If you change your mind

How can I explain away
Something that I haven't done
And if you can't trust me now
You'll never trust in anyone
With all the crazy doubts you've got
I love you even still
But if I can't change your mind
Then no one will

Someday you'll see I've been true
I'll stay that way until
But if I can't change your mind
Then no one will

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - Poison - "Talk Dirty to Me" - Look What the Cat Dragged In

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating!!! --- Christmas presents are included below (well, sort of, but don't peek ahead - you must read the whole thing for it to make sense)...

When I was in the 6th grade and everyone still owned a land line, I was lucky enough to possess the phone with the fastest speed dial in all of Dallas. I say that because I won so many prizes off of Y95 & later Power95 – 94.9 on the dial – that they got sick of seeing my dad at the station when he went to pick up my goodies. This was obviously before I made the switch to 94.5, The EDGE.

Most notably, I won tickets for Madonna, and the Club MTV Concert (along with backstage passes to meet Color Me Badd, Gerardo, Tara Kemp, and C&C Music Factory), and finally, I won Poison tickets (along with opening act, Warrant, of “Cherry Pie” fame).

I will never understand why my parents dropped two twelve-year-olds off at Reunion Arena to see this show, but I imagine that they were probably so overwhelmed with life that they did not notice that there were people running around with pants that said “F*CK” and that glowed in the dark.

The only other way to sum up the evening is to say that the two ladies next to us offered us what I thought, at the time, were cigarettes, but I learned a few years later that they were “magical” cigarettes. Don't worry! We politely declined!! (No, really, we declined... seriously, we really declined!)

And since, I could not, for the life of me, locate my Poison ticket stub, I am going to offer you something even better --- and, um yeah, you can consider this one a Christmas present!!! Behold --- photographic evidence that I was in the presence of Mr. Rico Suave himself - Gerardo - it even says so on his jacket :D ---

And photographic evidence that I was also in the presence of the lead singer of Color Me Badd --- (remember him from that dirty, little tune - "I Wanna Sex You Up"???). I look a bit more starstruck (or psycho) in this one ---

But, seriously, check out that awful 6th grade fashion faux pas that would be called bangs --- those things were huge and fuzzy (I think that might be the last time I ever had my natural hair color)... I'm fairly certain that I'm also rockin' some shoulder pads in that fancy get-up that I'm wearing because I don't recall having such broad, football player shoulders... thank heavens I came to my fashion & musical senses by 7th grade!!!

You know I never
I never seen you look so good
You never act the way you should
But I like it
And I know you like it too
The way that I want you
I gotta have you
Oh yes, I do

I never
I never ever stay out late
You know that I can hardly wait
Just to see you
And I know you cannot wait
Wait to see me too
I gotta touch you


Cause baby we'll be
At the drive-in
In the old man's Ford
behind the bushes
until I'm screamin' for more
Down the basement
lock the cellar door
And baby
Talk dirty to me

You know I call you
I call you on the telephone
I'm only hoping that you're home
So I can hear you
When you say those words to me
And whisper so softly
I gotta hear you


C.C. pick up that guitar and talk to me

Monday, December 24, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - Helium - "Medusa" - The Dirt of Luck

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

The person who will forever be etched into my memory when I hear this song is my second dorm-mate, Jenny. My first dorm-mate had just been released from rehab for cocaine addiction a few weeks before the semester began, and she didn't quite make it through the first month even.

Instead of trying my luck with a random, new dorm-mate, I invited Jenny to come room with me, since she despised the girl with whom she had gotten stuck. Jenny had some very interesting (and annoying) habits and very eclectic taste in music.

Additionally, that ridiculous dance, “The Macarena,” would not go away, and Jenny loved to do an extremely slowed-down version of it to this song. Any time I would get stressed out or sad, Jenny would pop in this song and force me to do that dance with her. We would eventually be laughing hysterically as we would try to “out-sexy” one another with our Macarena moves.

Apparently, Jenny woke up one day (many years after she and I roomed together) and decided that she wanted to be a doctor, and that is exactly what she is today. Shortly after entering medical school, she imparted one of my favorite medical-terminology-inspired insults that I still use to this very day. She told me that instead of saying that this guy I knew had his head up his arse, I should instead refer to it as a rectal-cranial inversion!! :-D

Black angel, you’re my centerfold
Though you’re two years old, your love is so bold
My heart is so cold
My heart is so cold

Come and get me, we’ll fly
On your wings through the thunderstorm sky
Kiss me, oh my
Little kiss of death and things that die

The wings of a dragonfly
The kiss of a butterfly
Sing alleluia on high
Sing alleluia on high

Come and get me we’ll fly
On your wings through the thunderstorm sky
Kiss me, oh my
Little kiss of death and things that die

The hiss of a rattlesnake
The body of a black lake
Sing a lullaby to wake me
A lullaby to wake me

Come and get me we’ll fly
On your wings through the thunderstorm sky
Kiss me, oh my
Little kiss of death and things that die

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - Frida - "I Know There's Something Going On" - Something's Going On

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

This song was introduced to me by one of my former band mates. I think the story goes something like this...

So we used to go catch live performances by other local bands on occasion. The lead singer of this one particular local band was a very pretty girl (even though her singing was more like yodeling in my opinion).

My band mate mentioned quite frequently that he wanted to cover this song and get the yodeling girl to do vocals.

Long story short, my band mate ended up marrying another girl from yodeling girl's band, and I think they have a kid or possibly two...  I think he was dating another girl when they first met, but we used to always tease him that we knew "there's something going on..."

I can see that it won't be long
You grow cold when you keep holding on
You know you've changed
And your words they lie
That's something you can't deny
I call, you're not at home
You're home, but you're not alone
If you wanna leave
Then why don't you say
Your love has gone anyway
I know there's something going on
I know there's something going on
I know it won't be long
Won't be long before you're gone
There's something going on
There's something going on
I know a good thing
Must come to an end
But it's hard to take
Losing a friend
I know what you think
And what's in your mind
So darling, why pretend
I know there's something going on
I know there's something going on
I know it won't be long
Won't be long before you're gone
There's something going on
There's something going on
[Instrumental Interlude]
I know there's something going on
I know there's something going on
I know it won't be long
Won't be long before you're gone
There's something going on
There's something going on
There's something going on
There's something going on

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Week Thirty-Four: Leftovers - The Beautiful South - "We Are Each Other" - 0898

That's right, my dearest blogland companions, you're getting a week's worth of leftovers... If you ever got around to reading the Introduction to this blog, you might remember that I mentioned that I had a precursory blog to The Soundtrack of a Heartbreak Beat that I was indirectly forced to shut down by my employer. However, I still have lots of fun posts on that one that are kind of hanging in limbo, so I'm transferring a few of them over for your viewing pleasure. Don't worry, though, I'll be back with more fun & fresh posts in 2013!!!

Long after my parents had canceled our Cable TV subscription, I still had access to MTV & VH-1 through my best friend, Cecilia. Her father repaired TV's, which meant that the knowledge of how to “borrow” (not steal) cable was second-nature to him.

I spent lots of time at Cecilia's house in order to escape the “all kinds of craziness” that occurred at my humble abode. Cecilia's dad worked very late into the evening, but once he would arrive home, he would always take us on a midnight snack run, which involved lots & lots & lots of Jolly Ranchers and Mountain Dew.

Then after Cecilia and I would get our candy and soda fix, we would stay up until the wee hours of the morning flipping back and forth between MTV & VH-1. It was in these wee hours of the morning that VH-1 would incorporate videos like “We Are Each Other.”

Those were such fun and simple times, and I really wish that I would have appreciated them far more than I probably did at that time.

There's no more little secrets we haven't yet disclosed 
We bore the living daylights of anyone too close 
And all our cards at Christmas are written to us both 
Count them up who's got the most? 

Said we'd be close 
Said we'd work perfectly 
Said that we'd toast 
Beautiful company 

Closer than a sister to her baby brother 
Closer than a secret agent working undercover
It's too close for a lover 
It's too close for a lover 
We are each other 
We are each other 

We've been through all positions and this one's definitely best 
You move Middle East and I'll move Wild West 
What happened to our friendship we could easily have guessed 
Add it up we're self-possessed 

Said we'd be true 
Said we'd be so so proud 
Just me and you 
We'd shout it out aloud 

Closer than a sister to her baby brother 
Closer than a secret agent working undercover
It's too close for a lover 
It's too close for a lover 
We are each other 
We are each other 

Remember we went shopping and we went by piggyback 
I shaved all my legs and you grew hairs upon your back 
Well no-one's ever been since to this lover's shack 
It's a cul-de-sac 

Said we'd be close 
Said we'd work perfectly 
Said that we'd toast 
Beautiful company 

Said we'd be true 
Said we'd be so so proud 
Just me and you 
We'd shout it out aloud 

Closer than a sister to her baby brother 
Closer than a secret agent working under cover 
It's too close for a lover 
It's too close for a lover 
We are each other 
We are each other