Monday, July 15, 2013

Week Sixy-Three: Rob Sheffield - Love is a Mix Tape - 10,000 Maniacs - "Candy Everybody Wants" - Our Time in Eden

I love to read... no, I mean, I really, really love to read, especially during the scorching hot Texas summers, when stepping outside is enough to melt one's flesh right from the muscle and bone. My favorites are memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies, and it's even better when they incorporate music into the tales. A few years ago, I picked up a book called Love is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time by Rob Sheffield. If his name sounds familiar, it's probably because he wrote for Rolling Stone magazine, and I've also seen him on some of the VH-1 count down specials as one of the individuals who gave commentary. So, anyway, Rob starts each chapter with a mock cassette cover, and that is where I am drawing inspiration for this week's songs...

<3 / <3 / <3 / <3 / <3 / <3 / <3 / <3

During my freshman year of college, I began dating a guy named Jesse. I wasn't even interested in Jesse at first. I thought he had unbelievably cool hair and a great sense of style, but my gay best friend, Jason, was madly in love with him. Apparently, Jason and Jesse were sitting outside of Bruce Hall, our dorm, having a cigarette, when Jesse started asking Jason about me.

Jason kept this a secret for a few days, but then he started feeling guilty for doing so. He finally told me that Jesse was asking about me, but I told him that there was no way I would go out with Jesse because I knew how much he liked him. Jason thought that this was such a kind gesture on my part, so he told me to go for it, since he knew there was no way he would ever have a chance.

Jesse and I started dating, and as I began to get to know him, I learned that his father had some kind of connection to the band, KISS. Apparently, Jesse had pictures of himself as a child sitting in the lap of each member of the band in full make-up. I also learned that his most prized possession was an autographed poster of the Rolling Stone magazine cover of Natalie Merchant that was framed and hanging on his bedroom wall. Again, it was something that his father had acquired for him. Here's a picture of that cover if you don't remember it:

My relationship with Jesse unraveled very quickly, and it is such a ridiculous drama-filled tale, wrought with misunderstandings and a jealous ex on his end, so I am not even going to get into it any deeper on this blog. Regardless, we were eventually able to maintain a friendship, and every time I hear a 10,000 Maniacs song, I think fondly of the autographed poster hanging on Jesse's wall... and I suppose I think fondly of Jesse too! :-D

I do have to add that the worst thing about dating a guy named Jesse is that everyone thinks it's a riot to come up to you and sing the Rick Springfield song, "Jesse's Girl", and they expect you to laugh like it's the first time you ever had it done to you!!!

Although I love the song, "Candy Everybody Wants", it is not my favorite 10,000 Maniacs' song; so I will also include "Like the Weather" and "Trouble Me"...

If lust and hate is the candy, 
if blood and love tastes so sweet, 
then we give 'em what they want. 
Hey, hey, give 'em what they want. 

So their eyes are growing hazy 'cos they wanna turn it on, 
so their minds are soft and lazy. 
Well, hey, give 'em what they want. 

If lust and hate is the candy, 
if blood and love tastes so sweet, 
then we give 'em what they want. 

So their eyes are growing hazy 'cos they wanna turn it on, 
so their minds are soft and lazy. 
Well... who do you wanna blame? 

Hey, hey, give 'em what they want. 

If lust and hate is the candy, 
if blood and love tastes so sweet, 
then we give 'em what they want. 

So their eyes are growing hazy 'cos they wanna turn it on, 
so their minds are soft and lazy. 

Well... who do you wanna blame?

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