Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week One: She & Him - "Gonna Get Along Without You Now" - Volume Two

This little tune makes me chuckle because it is a frighteningly true story of my most recent relationship that ended almost two months ago.  He did indeed declare that he thought me to be "the neatest thing."  He did indeed give me a promise ring that he "asked me to wear."  Now, although I cannot claim that he "ran around with every girl in town", I am fairly certain that there was a night of drunken indiscretion on his part.

However, Zooey sings the truth by stating, "Gonna find somebody that's twice as cute 'cause I didn't like you anyhow."  And that was part of the problem; I had started pushing him away months and months before the official breakup because I had simply fallen out of love with him but was much, too much, of a coward to break things off.  So this post is dedicated to my ex, in the most loving way that a song like this can be dedicated to an ex, of course... tee hee!  :D

Please note that this live youtube clip differs substantially from the lyrics posted below; so I also included the full song below:

Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.
Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.

You told me I was the neatest thing,
You even asked me to wear your ring.
You ran around with every girl in town,
You didn't even care if it got me down.

Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.
Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.

Got along without you before I met you,
Gonna get along without you now.

Gonna find somebody that's twice as cute,
'Cause I didn't like you anyhow.

You told everybody that we were friends,
But this is where our friendship ends.
'Cause all of the sudden you changed your tune.
You haven't been around since way last June.

Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.
Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.

So long my honey,
Goodbye my dear.

Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.
Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.

You told me I was the neatest thing,
You even asked me to wear your ring.
You ran around with every girl in town,
You didn't even care if it got me down.

Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.
Uh huh, mmhmm.
Gonna get along without you now.

So long my honey,
Goodbye my dear.

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