Monday, February 17, 2014

Week Ninety-Four: Name-Check - Darlington - "Superspazz" - Classics 2

For Name-Check Week, I'll be covering artists who mentioned other bands/singers in their lyrics, also known in some social circles as "name-checking"...

I'm going to start this week off with a song called "Superspazz" by my friend, Darlington. You may remember me mentioning him in my posts about the band, Sunglasses & Sugar, which I covered during Week Seven: Various DFW Artists and Week Thirty-One: Holiday Tunes.

The first time I ever heard "Superspazz" was on the Sunglasses & Sugar album, Vuvuzuelas, but if you browse through the information posted on the YouTube video, you'll see the other albums on which it was released, as well as some fun facts about the song.

One thing that really stood out to me when I listened to it was the Dr. Frank/MTX reference. MTX, of course, is just a shortened form of the band name, Mr. T Experience. As I've already mentioned a time or two, I was a dedicated listener to The Adventure Club, which was a radio program that started out on The EDGE, when it was still located at 94.5 on the dial. One of the hosts, Josh, was an avid MTX fan, and he would play at least one of their songs every week, which is the only way I would have even caught the reference in the first place.

So, in addition to "Superspazz", I'm going to include the MTX song that I remember Josh playing all the time called "I Just Wanna Do It With You", and I have to also include their cover of "Crash" by The Primitives (you may remember me mentioning this song during Week Fourteen: Mixed-Tape Madness, when I talked about Echobelly and the Dumb and Dumber Soundtrack)

Additionally, Darlington hosts a podcast, which is called The Moron-a-thon, and he so graciously invited me to co-host an episode with him, on which I spoke about my blog and The Psychedelic Furs. If you are accessing this post from a computer, you can see a link for the podcast in the upper right corner of your screen, but if you're reading this from a cellular device, your view is a little different; so I'll include a link to the podcast below:

We could watch Professor Julius Sumner-Miller
 but the chances of us together are one in a million
 I could make eyes at you
 and you could make like you really like me too
 I wish I could quit saying the words "dude" and "man", dude
 I'm so, spastic, you're so, spastic
 I got a heartache this big,
 you're written all over it
 You said I looked like Wyatt from the movie Weird Science
 We could hold hands
 and bop and slop to Dr. Frank
 'cause MTX is one of my favourite bands
 And I want to stare into your starry eyes forever and ever
 And I want to hold you in my arms forever and ever and ever

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