Monday, October 14, 2013

Week Seventy-Six: CD From An Ex - Liz Phair - "Supernova" - Whip-Smart

I was doing a little bit of Fall cleaning --- (how can it already be Fall in Dallas and still be 80 degrees outside... ugggghhhhh?!?!?!?) --- and I came across a mixed CD from an ex-boyfriend. This was not the worst mix of songs that I ever received from an ex, but it was most certainly not the best one either ---  (see Week Fourteen: Mixed-Tape Madness for the winner of that honor)!!! So, for this week, I will share with you four of the songs from the CD...

I should probably start out by explaining the Snazzycakes and Nator tags on the CD itself. I used to love (and still do to this very day) Little Debbie snack cakes, except that I would call them Little Debbie snazzycakes, because they were so darn delicious!!! Therefore, this particular ex began calling me Snazzycakes. Conversely, he used to wear these ridiculous sunglasses that made him look like something out of a Terminator movie, so I began calling him Shane-inator, which he obviously abbreviated in his tag.

I really dig the title he gave the CD: "random songs & other irrelevant data"... I just wasn't all that crazy about his song selections.  However, I was able to at least select four tunes from the CD that I can share with you this week. Feel free to look up the others in your spare time (but I wouldn't suggest it)!!! ;-D

"Supernova" is a really sweet song, and Liz Phair truly is a phenomenal singer-songwriter. I never really got too big into her music though, but my ex was a huge fan of hers. Therefore, we listened to her quite frequently, which I didn't really mind, compared to some of the other nonsense he attempted to force upon me; so I will share another one by her that I also really like called "Why Can't I?"

I have looked all over the place, 
But you have got my favorite face.
Your eyelashes sparkle like gilded grass 
and your lips are sweet and slippery
Like a cherub's bare wet ass ...

'Cause you're a human supernova,
A solar superman.
You're an angel with wings of fire,
A flying, giant friction blast.

You walk in clouds of glitter 
and the sun reflects your eyes.
And every time the wind blows, 
I can smell you in the sky.
Your kisses are as wicked as an M-16
And you f*ck like a volcano 
and you're everything to me...

'Cause you're a human supernova,
A solar superman
You're an angel with wings of fire,
A flying, giant friction blast
You're a giant, flying friction blast

'Cause you're a human supernova,
A solar superman,
You're an angel with wings of fire,
A flying, giant friction blast ...

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