Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week Seventy-Four: The Cure - "Catch" - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

Sadly, I owned this one on cassette for years and years and just kind of breezed past it with little-to-no regard. However, at some point in 1992, when I acquired a copy of Picture Show (my actual copy is pictured below) on VHS, I finally saw the video, and I fell madly in love with this song.

If you consider yourself a fan of The Cure and if you have not seen Picture Show, locate a copy of it NOW!! The little bits of extra footage between the videos can absolutely be deemed priceless!!!

I am also including a track on which Robert Smith contributes the vocals called "Yesterday's Gone", but don't be confused because it is not a song released by The Cure. The individual who posted it to YouTube used a picture of Robert and his wife, Mary, as the background. Many people have never even seen Mary, but if you watch Picture Show, she actually appears in a few of the scenes between the videos.

Yes I know who you remind me of
A girl I think I used to know
Yes I'd see her when the day got colder
On those days when it felt like snow

You know I even think that she stared like you
She used to just stand there and stare
And roll her eyes right up to heaven
And make like I just wasn't there

And she used to fall down a lot
That girl was always falling
Again and again
And I used to sometimes try to catch her
But I never even caught her name

And sometimes we would spend the night
Just rolling about on a floor
And I remember
Even though it felt soft at the time
I always used to wake up sore

You know I even think that she smiled like you
She used to just stand there and smile
And her eyes would go all sort of far away
And stay like that for quite a while

And I remember she used to fall down a lot
That girl was always falling
Again and again
And I used to sometimes try to catch her
But I never even caught her name

Yes I sometimes even tried to catch her
But I never even caught her name

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