Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week Seventy-Five: Oktoberfest - Litt'l Fishermen - "Julaida Polka" - KJT Hall Polka Festival 1992

For months now, I have been promising my mother a Polka week. This blog is labeled as the soundtrack of my life after all, and Polka made up a huge portion of my younger years; so, Mother, here is your Polka week... I hope you enjoy it!!! For those of you who are not Polka fans --- well, first of all, shame on you, and secondly, stick with me for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and I promise that I will have a huge treat for you on Thursday... a tune you probably haven't heard in years!!!

As I have already mentioned, my grandparents had the time of their lives being part of their Polka club, and those people knew how to party!!! Seriously, I imagine there were many weekends when I was at home fast asleep, and my grandparents were out living it up... that's a tough fact to admit... but it's true!!! I'll include photographic evidence below:

When I was scouring YouTube to determine which Polka tunes I was going to share with you, I came across some videos of some of the actual dances. I was watching the video clip that I have posted below, and all of the sudden, I see my grandmother go dancing by... followed by my grandfather... They are not dancing together to this particular song, in this particular video, but if you watch closely, at 1:42, my grandmother is in a red blouse and black skirt dancing with a gentlemen in a grey suit jacket... At 1:47, my grandfather is in a light gray shirt with a white collar and black slacks and is dancing with a lady in a long dark grey dress.

 Julajda Polka

Ten panský kočí, má modré oči,
On se mě vyptáva, kde já spím v noci.

Julajda, Julajda, já tě mám ráda,
Julajda, Julajda, já tě ráda mám.

A já spím sama na naší půdě,
Žádný tam za mnou vylézt nemůže.

Čtyři tam lezli, jeden tam zůstal,
Jak jsi se, Pepičku, jak jsi se vyspal. 

Já jsem se vyspal, ale jen málo,
Mně se tam něco hezkého zdálo.

Julida Polka 

The carriage driver, he has blue eyes,
He is asking me where am I sleeping at night.

Julida, Julida, I like you,
Julida, Julida, you I like.

And I sleep by myself in our attic,
Nobody can climb up there to see me.

Four of them climbed there, one stayed there,
How did you, Joe, how did you sleep.

I slept, but only a little,

I was dreaming about something nice.

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