Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week Fifty-Four: B-52's - "Channel Z" - Cosmic Thing


The B-52's are a phenomenal party band... and today, there is definitely a reason to celebrate!!!

I will be attending my last class EVER in order to obtain my Paralegal Studies degree. I think this is it for me and my love affair with attending school. I have been taking classes since 1996, and I am burnt out!!!

Now, I do have a lot to show for all my time in upper-level education... I have earned two degrees and three certificates... but I think I'm finally done!!!

I am ready to get back to tap dancing, which I will start again in June, and I would like to learn to speak French more fluently. I'm sure that I'll find many other activities to dabble in as well, but I don't think I need anymore degrees or certificates --- despite the fact that one of my profs just sent me an email stating that he hopes to see me in one of his law school courses one day... ummmmmm, let me think about that... I am already impressed with my credentials as a French-speaking, tap-dancing, 4th - 12th grade certified teaching, substance-abuse counseling, Paralegal... What can I say?!?! I'm an all-around kinda gal!!! :-D I'm not sure that I truly need to add lawyer to that mix!!!!!

Anyhoo, I'm closing out this week with two party tunes by the B-52's - "Channel Z" and "Good Stuff"... and what the heck, I suppose I will throw in "Love Shack" too!!!!

I am livin' on Channel Z
Getting nothing but static, getting nothing but static
Static in my attic from Channel Z
Getting nothing but static, getting nothing but static.
Static filling my attic from Channel Z

I don't know---I feel like something's happening
Something good is happening!
I feel love has got to come on, and I want it
Something big and lovely

I want the world to change for me! Gotta get away
Away from Z---Living on the edge of Z
Space junk---laser bombs---ozone holes
Better put up my umbrella!
Giant stacks blowin' smoke
Politicrits pushin' dope

All I know---we've got to change what's happening
Something good could happen
I feel light has got to come through---and I need it
Something big and lovely

I want the world to change for me---gotta get away---away from Z
Living on the edge of Z
Waste dumps---toxic fog---irradiate---and keep it fresh forever
Good old boys---tellin' lies
'Bout time---I got wise
Getting nothing but static
Static in my attic from Channel Z

Gotta tune in---pico waves. Gotta tune out---PCB's
Gotta tune in---market crash. Gotta tune out---polar shift
Gotta tune in---narrow minds. Gotta tune out---space junk

Gotta tune in---pico waves. Gotta tune out---PCB's
Gotta tune in---market crash. Gotta tune out---polar shift
Gotta tune in---narrow minds. Gotta tune out---space junk
Gotta tune in---bombs. Gotta turn out---atomic lasers falling from the sky

Where's my umbrella?
Gonna shoot that static down the drain
Gonna put that static out of my brain
Gonna put up my antennae. FREE!

Hamburger ads!---Pop up in my head---
On the edge of Aquarius---I'm living on the edge
Secret wars!---Take my money away!

I know I feel a change is happening---Something good will happen
I feel love is coming on strong, and I want it
We can make it happen

I want the world to change for me---gotta get away---away from Z
Living on the edge of---ZZZZZZZZ

Channel Z's all static all day forever---time to open up your windows,
Let in better weather
Channel Z's all static all day forever---time to take disinformation
And shove it in the shredder

Market crash---bullshit---space junk---narrow minds

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