Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week Forty-Three: Patsy Cline - "I Fall to Pieces" - 12 Greatest Hits

I am going to use today's post as an opportunity to plug some Dallas locals --- starting with the Dallas Public Library system --- especially my closest branch - Lochwood. If you haven't been to it and if you are in the Dallas area, you should check it out. It's in a super-cool throwback-style building... for some reason, it always reminds me of The Brady BunchSo where the library fits in to today's post is that, not too long ago, I checked out a book called Honky Tonk Angel: The Intimate Story of Patsy Cline by Ellis Nassour. It was such a lovely read. That Patsy was a bit of a player... the girl got around!!!  

However, if you are not a book person, the library is filled with so many other treasures. For instance, people often inquire how I managed to accumulate over 5000 songs on my iPod. In many cases, I own the CDs or I made purchases from iTunes... but I'll let you in on a little secret... you can actually check out CDs from the library. So if you find yourself strapped for cash, but you would like to increase your track selections, then head up to your local library. It's free to get a library card... all you need is your ID to prove that you are a resident. You would be shocked at the CDs that they have available for check-out, and if they don't have it at your local branch, they will do transfers between branches... for free, even!!! One of the librarians at Lochwood was expressing concern to me the other day about how young people are simply not reading... she knows that I am a literature teacher. However, she said that as long as people are checking out something - even if it's just CDs and DVDs - there is still hope for the library system.  So get off your rear and go get yourself a library card... be part of the elite Library Card Carrying Club... all the cool kids are doing it... ;-)

Another local I would like to plug is my favorite local-ish restaurant (because it actually started in Austin) called Taco Joint. They have super-cheap and super-delicious combos there, and they have album covers all over the place --- it's very neato --- I actually noticed a George Jones (remember him from the playlist I made for all of my Honorary Valentines???) album cover for the first time when I went in last night after class! Yet another local favorite is Black Forest Coffee inside Half Price Books. Both their iced coffee and their daily flavored selections have yet to disappoint, and the atmosphere is perfect for completing homework and grading papers. And my final local to plug is my new fave local band, Sunglasses & Sugar. They just got themselves a fancy Facebook page - - so now you can easily keep up-to-date with all their latest and greatest happenings!

Please take some time to back any and/or all of these local favorites. If these people and places don't receive your support, they will eventually go away... and then what will we be left with?!?!?! I know, it's a frightening thought, right?!?!?! :-D

And below the lyrics, I'm including "Back in Baby's Arms"... Patsy has so many amazing songs, and there is no way I could possibly cover all of them this week... the Dallas Public Library actually has a couple of her CDs... so go check them out... and while you're at it, check out the book I mentioned and read about her too!!!!

I fall to pieces,
Each time I see you again.
I fall to pieces.
How can I be just your friend? 

You want me to act like we've never kissed.
You want me to forget, pretend we've never met.
And I've tried and I've tried, but I haven't yet.
You walk by and I fall to pieces.

I fall to pieces,
Each time someone speaks your name.
I fall to pieces.
Time only adds to the flame.

You tell me to find someone else to love,
Someone who'll love me too, the way you used to do.
But each time I go out with some one new,
You walk by and I fall to pieces.

You walk by and I fall to pieces.

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