Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week Forty-Three: Patsy Cline - "Always" - The Last Session

My father was an only child, so when my grandmother passed away right before my birthday in 2008, my siblings and I were each assigned various responsibilities to help prepare for the funeral. My primary duty was to drive across to the other side of the lake, where my grandmother had lived, and to pick out an outfit to take to the funeral home.

Now, there are some things in life that I feel it is justified to fib about – like if someone asks you if you like their new haircut, which really looks like a mop attached to their skull, and you respond with a "yes"... or if a student asks if you like him or her and you really don't, but you nod your head "yes" anyway – however, what I am about to share with you is no fibbing matter...

Right after I crossed the bridge and made a right hand turn to begin my trek down the winding dirt road, out of nearly 350 songs on my mp3 player that I had in my car at that time, who should start crooning to me but Patsy Cline, and it was this very song!!! I'm fairly certain it was my grandmother's way of letting me know that she was just fine and that she finally got to meet Patsy and was hanging out with her... at least, that is what I would like to think it meant! :-D

I was down at Lake Whitney this past Sunday because I had to attend my younger sister's baby shower. I took the little girl that I have been mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters for the past four years with me. She wanted to see the lake and to see where my grandparents had lived. When I drove her up to their house, she was in awe as I began to explain to her how my grandparents built the house themselves and as I recounted the tale of laying the bricks and so forth. Then I told her about my grandfather's garden and about picking cherry tomatoes off the vine and popping them straight into my mouth. As I was sharing all of this with her and watching her eyes widen with amazement, I too began to realize what incredibly resourceful and brilliant individuals my grandparents really were. I found a picture of them in one of their many gardens, and I will share it with you. Fortunately, my dad and my older brother are now in possession of my grandfather's gardening skills, and every Spring & Summer, I am blessed with fresh produce in the form of every fruit and vegetable you can imagine!!!

I'm including another one of Patsy's tunes to close out this week called "Walkin' After Midnight" below the lyrics...

I'll be loving you, always,
With a love that's true, always.
When the things you plan,
Need a helping hand,
I will understand, always.

Days may not be fair, always.
That's when I'll be there, always.
Not for just an hour,
Not for just a day,
Not for just a year.
But always.

Days may not be fair, always.
That's when I'll be there, always.
Not for just an hour,
Not for just a day,
And not for just a year.
But always.

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