Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week Forty-Three: Patsy Cline - "Always" - The Last Session

My father was an only child, so when my grandmother passed away right before my birthday in 2008, my siblings and I were each assigned various responsibilities to help prepare for the funeral. My primary duty was to drive across to the other side of the lake, where my grandmother had lived, and to pick out an outfit to take to the funeral home.

Now, there are some things in life that I feel it is justified to fib about – like if someone asks you if you like their new haircut, which really looks like a mop attached to their skull, and you respond with a "yes"... or if a student asks if you like him or her and you really don't, but you nod your head "yes" anyway – however, what I am about to share with you is no fibbing matter...

Right after I crossed the bridge and made a right hand turn to begin my trek down the winding dirt road, out of nearly 350 songs on my mp3 player that I had in my car at that time, who should start crooning to me but Patsy Cline, and it was this very song!!! I'm fairly certain it was my grandmother's way of letting me know that she was just fine and that she finally got to meet Patsy and was hanging out with her... at least, that is what I would like to think it meant! :-D

I was down at Lake Whitney this past Sunday because I had to attend my younger sister's baby shower. I took the little girl that I have been mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters for the past four years with me. She wanted to see the lake and to see where my grandparents had lived. When I drove her up to their house, she was in awe as I began to explain to her how my grandparents built the house themselves and as I recounted the tale of laying the bricks and so forth. Then I told her about my grandfather's garden and about picking cherry tomatoes off the vine and popping them straight into my mouth. As I was sharing all of this with her and watching her eyes widen with amazement, I too began to realize what incredibly resourceful and brilliant individuals my grandparents really were. I found a picture of them in one of their many gardens, and I will share it with you. Fortunately, my dad and my older brother are now in possession of my grandfather's gardening skills, and every Spring & Summer, I am blessed with fresh produce in the form of every fruit and vegetable you can imagine!!!

I'm including another one of Patsy's tunes to close out this week called "Walkin' After Midnight" below the lyrics...

I'll be loving you, always,
With a love that's true, always.
When the things you plan,
Need a helping hand,
I will understand, always.

Days may not be fair, always.
That's when I'll be there, always.
Not for just an hour,
Not for just a day,
Not for just a year.
But always.

Days may not be fair, always.
That's when I'll be there, always.
Not for just an hour,
Not for just a day,
And not for just a year.
But always.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week Forty-Three: Patsy Cline - "I Fall to Pieces" - 12 Greatest Hits

I am going to use today's post as an opportunity to plug some Dallas locals --- starting with the Dallas Public Library system --- especially my closest branch - Lochwood. If you haven't been to it and if you are in the Dallas area, you should check it out. It's in a super-cool throwback-style building... for some reason, it always reminds me of The Brady BunchSo where the library fits in to today's post is that, not too long ago, I checked out a book called Honky Tonk Angel: The Intimate Story of Patsy Cline by Ellis Nassour. It was such a lovely read. That Patsy was a bit of a player... the girl got around!!!  

However, if you are not a book person, the library is filled with so many other treasures. For instance, people often inquire how I managed to accumulate over 5000 songs on my iPod. In many cases, I own the CDs or I made purchases from iTunes... but I'll let you in on a little secret... you can actually check out CDs from the library. So if you find yourself strapped for cash, but you would like to increase your track selections, then head up to your local library. It's free to get a library card... all you need is your ID to prove that you are a resident. You would be shocked at the CDs that they have available for check-out, and if they don't have it at your local branch, they will do transfers between branches... for free, even!!! One of the librarians at Lochwood was expressing concern to me the other day about how young people are simply not reading... she knows that I am a literature teacher. However, she said that as long as people are checking out something - even if it's just CDs and DVDs - there is still hope for the library system.  So get off your rear and go get yourself a library card... be part of the elite Library Card Carrying Club... all the cool kids are doing it... ;-)

Another local I would like to plug is my favorite local-ish restaurant (because it actually started in Austin) called Taco Joint. They have super-cheap and super-delicious combos there, and they have album covers all over the place --- it's very neato --- I actually noticed a George Jones (remember him from the playlist I made for all of my Honorary Valentines???) album cover for the first time when I went in last night after class! Yet another local favorite is Black Forest Coffee inside Half Price Books. Both their iced coffee and their daily flavored selections have yet to disappoint, and the atmosphere is perfect for completing homework and grading papers. And my final local to plug is my new fave local band, Sunglasses & Sugar. They just got themselves a fancy Facebook page - - so now you can easily keep up-to-date with all their latest and greatest happenings!

Please take some time to back any and/or all of these local favorites. If these people and places don't receive your support, they will eventually go away... and then what will we be left with?!?!?! I know, it's a frightening thought, right?!?!?! :-D

And below the lyrics, I'm including "Back in Baby's Arms"... Patsy has so many amazing songs, and there is no way I could possibly cover all of them this week... the Dallas Public Library actually has a couple of her CDs... so go check them out... and while you're at it, check out the book I mentioned and read about her too!!!!

I fall to pieces,
Each time I see you again.
I fall to pieces.
How can I be just your friend? 

You want me to act like we've never kissed.
You want me to forget, pretend we've never met.
And I've tried and I've tried, but I haven't yet.
You walk by and I fall to pieces.

I fall to pieces,
Each time someone speaks your name.
I fall to pieces.
Time only adds to the flame.

You tell me to find someone else to love,
Someone who'll love me too, the way you used to do.
But each time I go out with some one new,
You walk by and I fall to pieces.

You walk by and I fall to pieces.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week Forty-Three: Patsy Cline - "Seven Lonely Days" - The Patsy Cline Story

There is one person who will forever remain synonymous with Patsy Cline –-- and it's my paternal grandmother, Mary Frances. Besides adoring my grandfather (oh, and Elvis Presley – can't forget Elvis), my grandmother absolutely adored Patsy.

I distinctly remember my grandmother singing “Seven Lonely Days,” and when Patsy gets to the “boo-hoo-hoo-hoo” part, my grandmother's and Patsy's voices blended seamlessly. It was eerie!

Whenever I would whine about something to my grandmother, her response to me would often be her rendition of Patsy's: "boo-hoo-hoo-hoo"!!!

Gawd!!! That would totally piss me off!!! What pisses me off even more, though, is how I lost my grandmother. I know I mentioned it in another post, but my grandmother drank herself to death. I was already 4 years sober when I lost her, but with all of the striking similarities that she and I possess, it is just a constant reminder for me to continue on in my path of sobriety...

I'm also including another Patsy tune called "Heartaches" below the lyrics...

Seven lonely days make one lonely week
Seven lonely nights make one lonely me
Ever since the time you told me we were through
Seven lonely days I cried and I cried for you

Oh, my darlin' you're cryin', boo-hoo-hoo-hoo
There's no use in denyin' I cried for you
It was your favorite pastime, makin' me blue
Last week was the last time I cried for you

Seven hankies blue I filled with my tears
Seven letters true I filled with my fears
Guess it never pays to make your lover blue
Seven lonely days I cried and I cried for you

Oh, my darlin you're cryin', boo-hoo-hoo-hoo
Now, there's no use in denyin' I cried for you
It was your favorite pastime, makin' me blue
Last week was the last time I cried for you
Last week was the last time I cried for you

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week Forty-Three: Patsy Cline - "Sweet Dreams (of You)" - 12 Greatest Hits

I know... I know!!! You were probably thinking to yourself: "Didn't she just comment about neglecting the ladies on her blog, and then she goes and leaves out all of the female Classic Country greats the week before last?!?!?!"

Well, that's because, my dearest blogland readers, the ladies are each getting their own week --- not all at once or anything. I'll intersperse them between other genres, but they are too phenomenal to lump into one week!!!

Interestingly enough, though, it was Don Gibson who wrote today's song, "Sweet Dreams (of You)", and even Faron Young covered it. However, Patsy Cline's version got the most notoriety on various charts.

I'm also including another well-known hit, "Crazy", below the lyrics because there are other songs of hers that I would rather talk about over the course of this week, but I definitely don't want to leave that one out...

Sweet dreams of you
Every night I go through
Why can't I forget you and start my life anew
Instead of having sweet dreams about you

You don't love me, it's plain
I should know I'll never wear your ring
I should hate you the whole night through
Instead of having sweet dreams about you

Sweet dreams of you
Things I know can't come true
Why can't I forget the past, start loving someone new
Instead of having sweet dreams about you

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week Forty-Two: XTC - "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead" - Nonsuch

Okay, since I mentioned the Pope in this week's opening post and since this song mentions the Vatican and gold, I am going to share with you one of my biggest issues with the Catholic church... and I have had an issue with this since I was a very young girl!!!

One thing I will never understand is why every Pope thinks it's okay to live in a palace of sorts with priceless artwork all over, while there are people starving and dying from illnesses and such within miles of him. Call me crazy --- you definitely wouldn't be the first to do so --- but I don't recall Christ having such a posh lifestyle...

Priests and nuns have to take vows of poverty, so why is it okay for the Pope to be livin' it up?!?!? I finally worked up the courage to ask a priest about it one day. He was silent for a very long time before he finally responded to my question.

His explanation was a great effort to appease my curiosity, but it did not sit well with me at all!!! He basically attempted to convince me that the Pope could very well sell all of the artwork and riches within the Vatican and feed the starving and clothe the poor; however, it would never solve all of the problems of hunger and poverty. So it is better to keep all of those riches in place so that many people can enjoy the beauty of them and be inspired by them... I'll give him an "A" for effort, but um, (okay sorry --- this is a horrible pun), I'm not buying what he's selling!!!

Again, I still have a contract to finish out; so I need to stop while I'm ahead... 'cause I'm not independently wealthy or anything, and I kinda need my job... at least for a little while longer... although, I was just offered an assistant principal position as incentive to stay on next year... yeah, thanks, but no thanks... it's time for me to locomote on out of there!!!

I'm also including one of their lesser-known tunes, but it happens to be one of my favorites  --- it's called "Then She Appeared"... you should know where to find it by now... but the clip I'm including is a little different from what you would find on the album.

 Peter Pumpkinhead came to town 
Spreading wisdom and cash around 
Fed the starving and housed the poor 
Showed the Vatican what gold's for 
But he made too many enemies 
Of the people who would keep us on our knees 
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin 
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead? 
Oh my! 
Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all 
Emptied churches and shopping malls 
Where he spoke, it would raise the roof 
Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth 
But he made too many enemies... 
Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame 
Governments who would slur his name 
Plots and sex scandals failed outright 
Peter merely said 
Any kind of love is alright 
But he made too many enemies... 
Peter Pumpkinhead was too good 
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood 
He died grinning on live TV 
Hanging there he looked a lot like you 
And an awful lot like me! 
But he made too many enemies... 
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin 
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin 
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead 
Oh my oh my oh! 
Don't it make you want to cry oh?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week Forty-Two: XTC - "Mayor of Simpleton" - Oranges & Lemons

I never noticed the snow globe at beginning of this video until just recently... I don't think I have even mentioned this in any of my other posts, but I have a snow globe collection. I love snow globes... they make me happy! And I'm super-simple to shop for because when all other ideas fail, people can always resort to a snow globe as a gift... or an iTunes card.

I have quite a few Betty Boop snow globes in my collection... which leads to my next tale. I had an ex-boyfriend call me once from a gas station to ask me if I had, by any chance, left Texas and opened a service station in the middle of nowhere out in Kansas. He said that they were selling the largest collection of Betty Boop snow globes that he had ever seen, and since I was the only other person he knew who possessed so many Betty Boop snow globes, he thought that maybe I was somehow involved in the operation.

I told him that I was still safely tucked away in Texas and that I was still in possession of said snow globes. People tend to remember me for the oddest things... but I kind of like it!!!

And since I haven't shared any pics in awhile, I'll include a pic of my favorite Betty Boop snow globe... it also plays "There's No Business Like Show Business":

I'm including another favorite by XTC below the lyrics called "Generals and Majors"...

Never been near a university, 
Never took a paper or a learned degree, 
And some of your friends think that's stupid of me, 
But it's nothing that I care about. 

Well I don't know how to tell the weight of the sun, 
And of mathematics well I want none, 
And I may be the Mayor of Simpleton, 
But I know one thing, 
And that's I love you. 
When their logic grows cold and all thinking gets done, 
You'll be warm in the arms of the Mayor of Simpleton. 

I can't have been there when brains were handed round 
(please be upstanding for the Mayor of Simpleton), 
Or get past the cover of your books profound, 
(please be upstanding for the Mayor of Simpleton), 
And some of your friends thinks it's really unsound, 
That you're ever seen talking to me. 

Well I don't know how to write a big hit song, 
And all crossword puzzles well I just shun, 
And I may be the Mayor of Simpleton, 
But I know one thing, 
And that's I love you. 

I'm not proud of the fact that I never learned much, 
Just feel I should say, 
what you get is all real, 
I can't put on an act, 
It takes brains to do that anyway. (And anyway...) 

And I can't unravel riddles, problems and puns, 
How the home computer has me on the run, 
And I may be the Mayor of Simpleton, 
But I know one thing, 
And that's I love you (I love you). 

If depth of feeling is a currency, 
(please be upstanding for the Mayor of Simpleton), 
Then I'm the man who grew the money tree, 
(no Chain of Office and no hope of getting one). 
Some of your friends are too brainy to see, 
That they're paupers and that's how they'll stay. 

Well I don't know how many pounds make up a ton, 
Of all the Nobel prizes that I've never won, 
And I may be the Mayor of Simpleton, 
But I know one thing, 
And that's I love you. 

When all logic grows cold and all thinking gets done, 
You'll be warm in the arms of the Mayor of Simpleton. 
You'll be warm in the arms of the Mayor of Simpleton. 
You'll be warm in the arms of the Mayor. 
(Please be upstanding for the Mayor of Simpleton.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week Forty-Two: XTC - "Making Plans for Nigel" - Drums and Wires

The person that I most associate with the band, XTC, is Chris, who is the husband of my best friend, Cecilia. Now, before I tell you about Chris, let me rewind a bit and tell you about Cecilia.

When we were growing up (and I've known her since we were 4-years-old), Cecilia always told me that she was going to marry a Korean guy. I'm not sure when her Korean guy obsession began, but all throughout high school and college, she only dated Korean guys.

Therefore, you can only imagine my complete surprise when I finally met Chris, who is whiter than white and blonder than blonde!!! Chris was a computer nerd who loved heavy metal... and XTC --- yeah, I'm not sure how that combo of musical interests came about either. Oh, and Cecilia hated XTC for some reason.

Cecilia would always joke about how she never saw it coming that she would end up with someone like Chris... so one day, I thought I would get clever and respond with: "Well, it looks like someone was Making Plans for Nigel... I mean Chris... I mean Nigel..." :-D

I found it to be hilarious, but she was so sick of listening to XTC that I seriously thought she was going to punch me in the face...

I'm including another one of my favorites by them called "Senses Working Overtime" below the lyrics...

We're only making plans for Nigel 
We only want what's best for him 
We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel just needs this helping hand 
And if young Nigel says he's happy 
He must be happy 
He must be happy 
He must be happy, in his world
We're only making plans for Nigel 
He has his future in a British steel 
We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed 
And if young Nigel says he's happy 
He must be happy
He must be happy 
He must be happy, in his world 
Nigel is not outspoken 
But he likes to speak 
And loves to be spoken to 
Nigel is happy in his work 
We're only making plans for Nigel

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week Forty-Two: XTC - "Dear God" - Skylarking

I am sure that most of you have heard that the Pope is resigning. If you got around to reading my Sarah McLachlan/Delerium post on the song, "Silence", you might remember me making mention of the fact that I had turned in my resignation for next year, after teaching at a Catholic school for what is now my 9th year.

So I have been joking with everyone that the Pope must have heard about my resignation and then decided that he couldn't go on without me; therefore, he "threw in the towel" too!!! (Okay, it's a joke --- if you find it offensive, the only advice I have to offer you is: "Get over yourself... and stop reading now because you will definitely find the rest of this post offensive too!!!")

I know so many individuals - friends and family included - who have just flat out left the Catholic church to practice other religions. Their sentiments closely mirror some of the ideas in the lyrics to this song. I approach the whole religion thing from a "cafeteria Catholic" standpoint - I take what I like and leave the rest behind. 

If you want to know the truth, though, I learned more about God and spirituality and faith in the rooms of AA, while trying to sober up, with other alcoholics and misfits, than I ever did in all my years of Catholic school! Please don't misunderstand me; I do believe in God, and there are many aspects of the Catholic faith that I adore --- I think the saints are pretty nifty, and I totally dig all the pomp and circumstance when it comes to incense and statues and candles and robes and such... there are just some teachings that I could completely do without!!!

Since I still have to finish out a few months at my current job and since I will be so fired if anyone happens upon this post prior to the end of my contract, I better snap my trap shut now!!! :-D

Also, since I mentioned Sarah McLachlan in this post, it kind of works out nicely that she did a cover of this song; so I will include that below the lyrics...

And as a side note, I would also like to say: "R.I.P. Mr. Shadow Morton"... He was the genius behind many of the hits by The Shangri-Las, and he passed away on Valentine's Day...

Dear God
Hope You get the letter
And I pray You can make it better
Down here
I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer
But all the people that You made in your image
See them starving on their feet
'Cause they don't get enough to eat 
From God
I can't believe in You

Dear God
Sorry to disturb 
You but I feel that I should be heard 
Loud and clear
We all need a big reduction in amount of tears
And all the people that You made in Your image
See them fighting in the street
'Cause they can't make opinions meet
About God
I can't believe in You

Did You make disease and the diamond blue?
Did You make mankind after we made You?
And the devil too?

Dear God
Don't know if you noticed 
But Your name is on a lot of quotes in 
This book
Us crazy humans wrote it, You should take a look
And all the people that You made in your image
Still believing that junk is true
Well I know it ain't, and so do You
Dear God

I can't believe in...
I don't believe...
I won't believe in heaven and hell
No saints, no sinners, no devil as well
No pearly gates, no thorny crown
You're always letting us humans down
The wars You bring, the babes You drown
Those lost at sea and never found
And it's the same the whole world 'round
The hurt I see helps to compound
That Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Is just somebody's unholy hoax
And if You're up there You'll perceive
That my heart's here upon my sleeve
If there's one thing I don't believe in
It's you
Dear God 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week Forty-One: Classic Country - Don Williams - "It Must Be Love" - Classic Country: Golden '70's [Disc 1]

<3 Happy Valentine's Day!! <3

For the first time, in a very long while, I am without a Valentine, but it's okay --- I refuse to be even slightly bothered by it --- because the way I see it is that it will just make me that much more appreciative the next time I have one! However, my dearest blogland readers, if you are sad about not having a Valentine today, then I grant you full permission to consider yourself my Honorary Valentine. If there was any way that I could transport you some candy hearts (more specifically, Willy Wonka's Everlasting Gobstopper Heartbreakers - my fave V-Day candy) through the intertubes, I absolutely would, but instead, you will have to settle for today's song as your Valentine treat --- think of all the calories you're being spared (according to the package 60 calories/8 pieces of candy)!!! ;-D Actually, though, I've made a special playlist of Classic Country songs dedicated to all of you who have declared yourselves to be my Honorary Valentine, and it's located at the very, very end of this entire post!

This song is a bit of a departure from the tunes I selected earlier this week and sounds a tad closer to Modern Country songs; however, Don Williams is considered a Classic Country artist, and this is a really sweet song... so enjoy!

Also, when I was flipping through the Dallas Observer last week, I saw that Don Williams will be at the Choctaw Casino & Resort in Durant, OK, on Thursday, February 28th. I won't have the opportunity to see the show because I have my legal research class that evening, but I bet it would be a blast!!! 

And before I go, I found some V-Day Horoscopes on a ridiculously hilarious site. I had to share mine with you because it made me laugh hysterically:

Scorpio (Oct. 24th-Nov. 22nd)
Someone will confront you in a dark alley this week. They'll speak to you in hushed tones, back you into a corner, and open one side of their jacket to reveal their heart. It'll be big and red, maybe made of cardboard with a lace trim. They'll offer it to you free of charge, no questions asked, just to try to get you hooked. When you hesitate, they'll try to intimidate you: "All the cool kids are celebrating Valentine's Day. What are you, a frozen chicken?" If you know you can't handle it, don't give into the pressure. Just say no.

First I get cold, then hot
Think I'm on fire, but I'm not
Oh, what a pain I've got
It must be love

There's nothing I can do
All that I want is you
Look what I'm going through
It must be love


It must be love, it must be love
I fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove
You must be the dream, I've been dreamin' of
Oh what a feeling, it must be love

Something is wrong alright
I think of you all night
Can't sleep til morning light
It must be love

Seeing you in my dreams
Holding you close to me
Oh what else can it be
It must be love 

And if you are still not convinced that these Classic Country artists were pure genius, then I am going to leave you with this song by Floyd Cramer called "Last Date". There are no lyrics, but the strings and piano playing elicit so much emotion that lyrics would just plain ruin the song... give it a listen, and see if you agree...

<3 Anastasia's "Honorary Valentine" Playlist <3

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week Forty-One: Classic Country - Buck Owens - "My Heart Skips a Beat" - Classic Country (1960-1964) [Disc 1]

+ Happy Ash Wednesday!!! +

Buck Owens is a good ol' Texas boy, who was born in Sherman in 1929. The reason I know this is because, in addition to teaching literature, I also teach Texas History. My students have to complete bellringers before class begins, and one of those bellringers just so happens to be about Buck Owens. It would also be apropos to mention that Buck Owens co-hosted Hee-Haw for many years, since I mentioned that show in this week's opening post.  Buck Owens is another artist who ranks very highly on my list of Classic Country all-time favorites!!!

Not too long ago, iTunes offered a cover of this song, by a band called The Secret Sisters, as their free weekly tune. At first, I cringed and thought to myself: "You cannot be serious!" I gave it a listen, though, and it was actually surprisingly good; so I will include a youtube clip for it below the lyrics.

I will also include a clip of "Above and Beyond" by Buck Owens because it is another sweet little tune! Check out the phone that Faron uses to "call" Buck in the intro. My grandparents had one of those in their house at Lake Whitney... it's freakin' awesome... it doesn't work or anything, but my dad inherited it after my grandparents passed away, along with all of their other super-cool antique possessions...

Oh, my heart skips a beat
When we walk down the street
I feel a trembling in my knees
And just to know you're mine
Until the end of time
Makes my heart skip a beat

Well I did a double take the day I met you
My heart turned a flip as I stood next to you
And I knew right there I never could forget you
For you are my every dream come true
And my heart skips a beat...

You came into my life without a warning
And you turned my cloudy skies from grey to blue
You're my sunshine that comes up every morning
Yes, you are my every dream come true
And my heart skips a beat...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week Forty-One: Classic Country - Don Gibson - "Sea of Heartbreak" - Classic Country (1960-1964) [Disc 1]

** Happy Mardi Gras!!! **

When I reveal to others that I love Classic Country music, they always give me an odd look before asking, "Are those the songs where they sing about losing their dog and crying in their beer?" **sigh** How sadly misinformed people truly are... it's the more Modern Country songs that gave that genre of music such a ridiculous image!!!

Don Gibson is one of my all-time favorite Classic Country artists. His songs tend to be more about lost love and heartbreak, but they are so captivating. Plus, I am incredibly heartbroken that my dear, dear Morrissey had to cancel his Dallas show for Monday, 2/18, due to a bleeding ulcer and Barrett's esophagus... get well soon, my Love!!!

I'm including another one of my favorites by Don Gibson called "Oh Lonesome Me" below the lyrics... because I will be very, very lonesome next Monday evening without my one and only Moz... **tear**

The lights in the harbor,
Don't shine for me.
I'm like a lost ship,
Adrift on the sea. 

Sea of heartbreak, lost love an' loneliness;
Memories of your caress, so divine.
I wish you were mine again, my dear.
I am on this sea of tears:
Sea of heartbreak. 

How did I lose you?
Oh, where did I fail?
Why did you leave me,
Always to sail? 

This sea of heartbreak, lost love an' loneliness;
Memories of your caress, so divine.
How I wish you were mine again, my dear.
I am on this sea of tears:
Sea of heartbreak. 

Oh, what I'd give to sail back to shore;
Back to your arms once more. 
Oh, come to my rescue;
Come here to me .
Take me and keep me,
Away from the sea. 

Yes, this sea of heartbreak, lost love an' loneliness;
Memories of your caress, so divine.
How I wish you were mine again, my dear.
I'm on this sea of tears:
Sea of heartbreak. 

It's a sea of heartbreak.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week Forty-One: Classic Country - Faron Young - "Alone With You" - Classic Country: Golden '50's [Disc 2]

Since I have mentioned a few times already that I grew up listening to Classic Country as a young girl, I felt that the Week of Love, aka Valentine's Day Week, would be the perfect time for these postings!

Wow!!! These Classic Country composers were masters at writing love songs!!! The lyrics tended to be fairly simple, but the music was always so rich and lush --- especially the guitar playing.

I adore the clips of the Classic Country variety shows, as well. I know every generation had its struggles, but I still cherish what seems to be the simplicity of the times and the wholesome appearances of the individuals of that day and age! Plus, it reminds me of spending summers at Lake Whitney with my grandparents and staying up late watching Hee-Haw!!!

Check out the facial expressions that Faron Young makes while he's singing... I love it... it gives him such character!!!

I am including another tune by Faron Young below the lyrics called "Honey Stop! (And Think of Me)"...

How I'd love to be around you when the lonely night surrounds you
How I'd love to be alone with you
What I'd give to have the power to read your mind one hour
How I'd love to be alone with you
Just to be with you one night you and me alone
Kiss your lips and hold you tight have you for my own
This would be a joy unending could be a real beginning
How I'd love to be alone with you
[ guitar ]
How I'd love to be around you when the lonely night surrounds you
How I'd love to be alone with you
If I only knew for certain I'd cut out all my flirtin'
How I'd love to be alone with you
Just to be with you one night you and me alone
Kiss your lips and hold you tight have you for my own
Won't you try to be my baby just for once and then well maybe
I could always be alone with you
Won't you try to be my baby just for once and then well maybe
I could always be alone with you and I could always be alone with you