Monday, March 31, 2014

Week One Hundred: (500) Days of Summer Soundtrack - Regina Spektor - "Us" - Soundtrack

It took me awhile to figure out how to celebrate Week One Hundred, and then I thought that since I started my blog with She & Him and a video promo for the film, (500) Days of Summer, I would talk about the phenomenal soundtrack for this film, which happens to be one of my top ten all-time favorite movies ever!!!

Prior to viewing this film, I had heard and seen Regina Spektor's name in various places, but I never bothered to check out any of her stuff --- big mistake!!! Her music is used in some very pivotal scenes in the film, and it should be of no surprise since her voice is so full of emotion! As an added bonus, she's Russian like I am!!!

The film actually uses two of her songs, "Us" and "Hero", which I will include videos for today, but I heard one of my favorites by her called "Folding Chair" on Pandora; so I will include that one for you today, as well.

They made a statue of us
and put it on a mountaintop
Now tourists come and stare at us
Blow bubbles with their gum,
take photographs of fun
have fun

they'll name a city after us
and later say it's all our fault
then they'll give us a talking to
then they'll give us a talking to
cause they've got years of experience

we're living in a den of thieves
rummaging for answers in the pages
we're living in a den of thieves
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious

we wear our scarves just like a noose
but not cause we want eternal sleep
and though our parts are slightly used
new ones are slave labour you can keep

we're living in a den of thieves
rummaging for answers in the pages
we're living in a den of thieves
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious

They made a statue of us
They made a statue of us
The tourists come and stare and us
The sculptor's model sends regards
They made a statue of us
They made a statue of us
Our noses have begun to rust

we're living in a den of thieves
rummaging for answers in the pages
we're living in a den of thieves
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious
and it's contagious

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