Monday, December 16, 2013

Week Eighty-Five: Erasure - "Star" - Pop! The First 20 Hits

The weather in Dallas has been so awful the past few weeks, and it has been making me feel a bit glum. Fortunately, when I get into these moods, there are a handful of bands that can lift my spirits in no time --- one of those bands being none other than Erasure.  You might recall that I have already covered two of my favorite Erasure hits - "Love to Hate You" and "Chorus" - during Week Fifteen, when I talked about a local teen club called Xenon. This week, however, I am going to cover a few more of my favorites off of Pop! The First 20 Hits, and I will also share with you a scan of my VHS tape for the accompanying videos:


First, I'm going to tell you a silly little story about the band's name; then I will tell you a little bit about this song.

When I was still teaching, we would have to give standardized tests every year around the month of October. It was those types of tests where teachers are required to read the instructions word-for-word, even though they are almost the same for every section of the entire test. At the very beginning of the testing booklet, however, there was a section that talked about erasing answers completely so that the machine could properly score the tests. At one point, the instruction booklet would actually refer to them as "erasures". When I got to that part, I couldn't help but ask my class every year if they had ever heard of the band, Erasure. Every year, they would shake their heads "no". One year, though, a student asked me if that question was actually written in the instruction manual for me to read!?!?!? I told him that it was!!! ;-D

So, apparently, today's tune, "Star", is a song which references nuclear war. However, it is one of the happiest nuclear war songs I have ever heard! It puts me in such a fantastic mood every time I hear the opening notes. In fact, that is how many Erasure songs impact me --- even though the lyrical contact often references heartache and heartbreak and sad topics, the music just makes me want to dance around the house or sing out loud in my car. So, yes, I have recently been listening to quite a bit of Erasure to counteract the lack of sun in my area of the world lately!!!

We go waiting for the stars
To come showering down
From Moscow to Mars
Universe falling down

You got to look real hard
There's a fiery star
Hidden out there somewhere
Not the satellite of love
But a laser
Shooting out it's shiny tongue there

God is love, God is war
TV-preacher tell me more
Father help me am I pure?
As pure as pure as heaven
Sent you money sent you flowers
Could I worship you for hours
In whose hands are we anyway?

We go waiting for the stars
To come showering down
From Moscow to Mars
Universe falling down

You got to look real hard
Is it in your heart?
Yeah it's in there somewhere
The power wrapped in your palm
Show it to me
Hit them with your wrath and thunder

What's your pleasure?
Tell it to me
How did he know?
Show your beauty
In you somewhere, somewhere in me
Pure as pure as heaven
Sent you money sent you flowers
Could I worship you for hours
In whose hands are we anyway?

Rolling along through a rose coloured glow
The city looks pretty in pink
Armageddon is here!

Did you ever have a lover
Leave you for another
And take take your love
and kisses for granted
Never to discover
War is not the answer
Leave you only disenchanted

God is love, God is war
TV-preacher tell me more
Father help me am I pure?
As pure as pure as heaven
Sent you money sent you flowers
Could I worship you for hours
In whose hands are we anyway?

We go waiting for the stars
To come showering down
From Moscow to Mars
Universe falling down

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