Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week Thirty-Eight: Cause & Effect - "Nothing Comes to Mind" - Another Minute

I have honestly heard the word "melodize", from the first line of the lyrics to this song, used so infrequently that I think it has become one of my new favorites. It has such a flow to it... I love the way it kind of rolls off the tongue. 

Another word that I really dig is "chortle", and the only reason that I even mention it is because my 7th graders had to memorize "Jabberwocky", and they have been reciting it in front of their classmates this week. For all of you who don't know this, Lewis Carroll actually made-up the word "chortle" by combining "chuckle" and "snort", and it became so commonly used that it found a place in the Oxford Dictionary. However, the only way to actually understand "Jabberwocky" is to consult Humpty Dumpty's Dictionary of Nonsense Terms... the things we teach kids these days, right?!?!?! But they love the poem, and memorization is part of the curriculum; so I go with it!!!

Now, back to this song... what it reminds me of is those periods of life when we are forced to numb or to anesthetize ourselves... and everybody has them. I don't know anyone who has been lucky enough to live a life free from some type of emotional pain. I guess that the reason that I feel so inclined to talk about it is because of some of the memories that were stirred up as a result of this week's posts. However, I am so far removed from that period of my life - it was almost a decade ago - that even though I know it all happened and that it was wretchedly horrible, it still kind of feels like it happened to someone else. 

People often ask me why I stayed with him for so long... I'm not really sure because it is impossible to rationalize irrational behaviors no matter how hard you try... the only thing I have come up with, and even this is difficult for many to understand, is that I thought that, one day, maybe my goodness and kindness would overcome his evilness... but it doesn't happen that way... and some women die trying...

So I guess that what I would like to share is that if you are going through any rough patch in life - and my rough patch lasted six years --- whatever it may be, just remember that, as cheesy and over-rated as this statement sounds: this too shall pass. You've just got to trust me on this one. And yours will also eventually become a distant memory of times gone by, and you can come out on the other side a stronger and wiser individual... And yes, there will be some people who will judge you harshly and "cast stones" at every twist and turn, but there will also be some who will love you tenderly and carry you through it until you can again hold your own...

To melodize your thoughts
To compromise your peace of mind
Open up your heart
You couldn't have the power to be unkind
You're searching for some truth
The hurting is unbearable
There's nothing you can do
Just wade through the waters of the terrible
When I think about it
Nothing comes to mind
When I try to solve it 
Nothing comes to mind
Every day I sit and wait
Is this love or only hate
When I think about it
Nothing comes to mind
You're holding back the tears
You thought you were invincible
There's nothing you can fear
Just wade through the waters of the terrible
When I think about it
Nothing comes to mind
When I try to solve it
Nothing comes to mind
Every day I sit and wait
Is this love or only hate
When I think about it
Nothing comes to mind 
Faith in me is getting hard to keep
Faith in you is getting hard to find
Can't you see that I am losing sleep 
While you run through the riches 
That you always find
When I think about it
Nothing comes to mind
When I try to solve it
Nothing comes to mind
Every day I sit and wait
Is this love or only hate
When I think about it 
Nothing comes to mind

And so I don't leave you on a glum note this week, I'll include another one of their club hits, "What Do You See"...

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