Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week Fifty-One: More Leftovers - Concrete Blonde - "Joey" - Bloodletting

Yes, my dearest Blogland readers, I am having to resort to more leftovers from my previous blog, like I did in Week Thirty-Four. However, I hope you will understand why when I tell you that I am right smack dab in the middle of a research paper with my 8th graders, that I am working on an appellate brief for my "capital murder client", and that I am sending out resumes like a mad woman before I become unemployed in a little over a month!!!

***So sorry... didn't mean to leave you hanging after Monday's interview. It was even easier than the first one. It involved a grammar, spelling, and punctuation test and an inquiry about why I was changing careers, my favorite style of music, my favorite kind of food, and the last book I read. They will let me know the official offer by Friday!!!***

When this song was released, my younger brother, Joey, was four-years-old. I would rock him to sleep in the brown rocking chair in the living room at our house on McNeil Street and sing this lullaby-like song to him until he drifted off. I, myself, was also pretty young at the time; so although I understood the words to the song individually, I am not so sure that I understood the lyrics in their full context.

I apologized to my brother, Joey, later on in life and told him that if I, in any way, contributed to his alcoholism in his teen years, as a result of singing this song to him when he was a tot, I was truly sorry. We chuckled about my confession a bit and decided that genetic disposition was most likely far more responsible than my singing this Concrete Blonde song to him. I still tease him when I see a drink in his hand and tell him that I never should have sung this song to him.  

I'll include my other favorite by Concrete Blonde called "Someday"...

Joey, baby - don't get crazy
Detours. Fences... I get defensive
I know you've heard it all before -
so I don't say it anymore
I just stand by and let you
fight your secret war.
And though I used to wonder why -
I used to cry till I was dry.
Still sometimes I get a strange pain inside
Oh, Joey, if you're hurting so am I.

Joey, honey - I got the money
All is forgiven. Listen, listen
And if I seem to be confused
I didn't mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
well I guess you scared me too.
But we got lucky once before
And I don't wanna close the door
And if you're somewhere out there
passed out on the floor.
Oh Joey, I'm not angry anymore.


and if I seem to be confused
I didn't mean to be with you.
and when you said I scared you,
well I guess you scared me too.
But if its love you're looking for
Then i can give a little more
And if you're somewhere drunk and 
passed out on the floor.
Oh Joey, I'm not angry anymore.

Angry anymore..
Angry anymore..

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