Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week One Hundred and Sixty-Two: Martin L. Gore - "In a Manner of Speaking" - Counterfeit E.P.

I have had an incredibly lazy weekend, to which I feel we are all entitled on occasion. I have done absolutely nothing, with the exception of some reading, journaling, and listening to music, of course. I heard this one on Pandora yesterday. However, it wasn't Martin Gore's version; it was the version by Nouvelle Vague (a French cover band whose name actually means New Wave)

Interestingly enough, I thought Nouvelle Vague was covering Martin Gore; however, after a little bit of Wiki research, I came to discover that both Martin Gore and Nouvelle Vague are actually covering a band called Tuxedomoon. In fact, Martin Gore's entire E.P. is cover songs. I have owned that E.P. since the late-90s and have never even realized that until today, but it definitely explains the chosen name, Counterfeit, right?!?! It's nice to know that I can still learn something new even on a lazy weekend. 

I will include Nouvelle Vague's version of "In a Manner of Speaking," as well as another one off the Counterfeit E.P. called "Compulsion," which I now know is originally by Joe Crow.

In a manner of speaking, I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything
By saying nothing
In a manner of speaking, I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way I feel about you is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
In a manner of speaking, semantics won't do
In this life that we live, we only make do
And the way that we feel might have to be sacrificed
So in a manner of speaking,
I just want to say
That like you, I should find a way
To tell you everything
By saying nothing
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
Give me the words
Give me the words
Give me the words

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