Sunday, June 28, 2015

Week One Hundred and Sixty-Five: TV21 - "Snakes and Ladders" - A Thin Red Line

Some weekends simply cannot get better than the one I just had --- a performance of Dirty Dancing as part of the Dallas Summer Musicals followed by a trip out to the Arlington Convention Center to browse through the Half Price Books $2 clearance sale.

Speaking of that sale, check out the treasure that I scored in the "Coffee Table" section:

That's right, folks, 304 beautifully colored pages and biographies of my favorite bands...EVER! And as if that is not heavenly in itself, check out who graces the back cover:

It is none other than Siouxsie Sioux in all of her majestic $2 I have spent in quite some time!!!

So speaking of New Wave, I have recently been watching The Carrie Diaries on Netflix. It is supposed to be the precursor to Sex and the City, and while the show is quite painful to sit through, the soundtrack is phenomenal. In some party scene or club scene or whatnot (I wasn't paying much attention), I heard today's song, "Snakes and Ladders", and I stopped in my tracks. I do not recall ever hearing it before, but I love it and wish to share it with all of you, as well! 

And before I leave you today, I had to snicker to myself at the coincidence between the fact that the individual who posted the video on YouTube is named Aidan, and one of Carrie's greatest loves in Sex and the City was also named Aidan...a bit of trivia there for you... Enjoy!!!

We're not happy and we're not sad
We're not crazy but we must be mad
There's snakes at the bottom snakes at the top
and the ladders all shake and the ladders all rock


[music break]

We're not happy and we're not sad
We're not crazy but we must be mad
There's snakes at the bottom snakes at the top
and the ladders all shake and the ladders all rock
and everywhere I look I see 
a thousand other fools like me
all crouched down on bended knee
with their eyes shut tight but their hands are free
and everyone is fighting blind
scratching biting wasting time
up to the bottom and down to the top
where snakes and ladders never stop
and no-one asks the question why?
we exist by getting by
and we keep playing this crazy game
where snakes and ladders are all the same

And the man at the top builds his stash
a thin white line of others' cash
but all he sees is blue and green
'cause there are no colours in between
we're the puppets we're the fools
we're the products we're the tools
pick us up knock us down
keep us spinning round and round
but I'm a cynic hypocrite
and I rub my own face in it
and I keep playing this crazy game 
where snakes and ladders are all the same

[chorus x 2]

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