Sunday, January 29, 2017

Post #667: Spiritualized - "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space (I Can't Help Falling in Love)" - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space

I actually saw Spiritualized back in 1995 at The Bomb Factory when they opened for Siouxsie & the Banshees on the tour for The Rapture.  However, today's song was released two (2) years later.  As I have already mentioned in a previous post, I have been using a meditation app, and it has seriously changed my entire being.  One of my favorite guided meditations was created by an amazing soul named Sarah Blondin.  I had to locate the text to this particular meditation, and I finally found it printed as a Huffington Post article.  For whatever reason, it reminded me of this Spritualized song that has been appearing on one of my Pandora stations, so I thought I would share both with you...

Until next time...


By: Sarah Blondin and taken from this Huffington Post link

"I wish someone had told me when I first began my journey into a life of my own that where I needed to begin was sitting on the floor, with my eyes closed. I wish someone had told me that my first step, the first step anyone must take is inward.

I wish someone had told me when I felt I had nothing to offer the world that all I needed to do, was sit down and breath. That all I needed to do was learn the practice of opening to and discovering the true Self, sitting inside of me, quietly, and that from there the rest would come easier.

I wish someone had told me that my true value and worth would be found not in attaining or gaining but in meeting this Self. That finding my way to her would bring me gold and riches that no worldly things could buy.

I wish someone had told me when I was lost and desperate for direction and support that I was really longing to meet myself. That nothing else would soothe me until I first came to touch my own inner temple of divinity.

I wish someone had told me when I was swimming in a sea of lonely thoughts, and diving into dark pits that I was being called into the dark underbelly for great reason, that I was being called into the very center of myself as to come closer to my root and bottomless source of light.

I wish someone had told me when I began to run, divert, distract, over consume, point fingers, over work, fight, create drama, choose everything other than love, that I was running away from my own magnificence. That I was running from it because I didn’t believe it was something I possessed. Because I didn’t believe in my own ability to give myself all I needed.

I wish someone had told me I was the only one who could give myself what I asked from and wanted from another. That all I would ever want, all I would ever need, all I would ever desire, all I would chase and scour the earth for was waiting deep in the valley of my chest. That, that was where I needed to start. That there in the quiet of myself was where I would find my eternal river of wealth and value and that all I needed to get there was the breath in my chest and the patience and willingness to understand that I was, and will always be, the answer I am searching for.

I wish someone had told me that from going within I would find housed within me was a tremendous light, my truest version of Self, a self free of suffering and story, my own personal guidance system and a wellspring of wealth, wisdom and knowing. That if I committed to going inward I would in fact be guided to my greatest life and most joyful existence.

I wish someone had told me that from going within I would meet the only person who could give me the love I longed for, the only person who could carry me through my darkest nights, the only person who could heal the hurt inside me through unconditional love, the only person who could truly love me and that, that person was my highest self. The self who knew of my greatness, my capacity, my truth, my limitlessness. That there behind all the tremendous noise my mind created, behind all my resistance to the quiet was all I had been looking outside of myself for.

We are stitched together from stardust, we are balls of light. We are limitless beings with all the wisdom we are in need of. It is in us from the moment we are conceived. Somewhere along the line we got distracted from these truths and are working to re-align with them.

Where ever life leads you, whatever you must face, know deep inside the marrow your bones lives your earth. Your home. You cannot ever loose it, it can never leave you. No matter where you run to, no matter what rabbit hole you fall down, you always have you.

I want to take a moment to tell you, you are here in this moment reading this because your highest truth, your soul is always pulling you ever so gently into your own light.

I want to tell you no matter where you journey, no matter what the landscape appears to be, you are being held, you are being loved, you are exactly where you need to be.

I want to tell you, you are already enough. That there are no holes to be filled, no cracks to be plastered. You are already enough and everything you need is within you, rising on your breath and on your hearts beat."

Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space 

All I want in life's a little bit of love
To take the pain away
Getting strong today
A giant step each day
All I want in life's a little bit of love
To take the pain away
Getting strong today
A giant step each day
I've been told
Only fools rush in
Only fools rush in
But I don't believe
I don't believe
I could still fall in love with you 

I will love you till I die
And I will love you all the time
So please put your sweet hand in mine
And float in space and drift in time
All the time until I die
We'll float in space, just you and I
And I will love you till I die
And I will love you all the time
So please put your sweet hand in mine
And float in space and drift in time
All the time until I die
We'll float in space, just you and I 

Baby I love you today
I guess that's what you want
And I don't know where we are all going
Life don't get stranger than this
It is what it is
And I don't know where we are all going 

I will love you till I die
And I will love you all the time
Everything happens today
And we're out here in space
And I don't know where we are all going
Baby I love you today
I guess that's what you want
And I don't know where we are all going

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Post #666: Primal Scream - "Movin' On Up" - Screamadelica

Anyone else remember this little gem from the early '90s?  I heard it today and decided to share it with you as Post #666.  You might or might not know that Bobby Gillespie, the lead singer of Primal Scream, was also a drummer for the Jesus & Mary Chain...

Jesus & Mary Chain

Primal Scream

Until next time...


I was blind, now I can see
You made a believer out of me
I was blind, now I can see
You made a believer out of me
I'm movin' on up now
Getting out of the darkness
My light shines on
My light shines on
My light shines on
I was lost
Now I'm found
I believe in you 
I got no bounds
I was lost
Now I'm found
I believe in you
I got no bounds
I'm movin' on up now
Getting out of the darkness
My light shines on 
My light shines on 
My light shines on
I'm gettin out of the darkness
My light shines on
I'm gettin out of the darkness my light shines on 
If you got it you can have it
You can have it
If you got it
If you got it
You can have it
Gonna move it on up

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Post #665: Old 97's feat. Brandi Carlile - "Good With God" - Graveyard Whistling

I know I just posted about the Old 97's, but I heard this one on the way to work the other day... and seriously, if these voices and this musical arrangement do not move you in some manner, then you must be emotionally made up of stone... It haunted me, but in a good way, throughout the remainder of the day... Enjoy!

Until next time...


I’m not afraid
I’m good with God
I got my sins
In fact I got a lot
I got a soul that’s good and flawed
I’m good with God (x2)

I’m not afraid
Got no regrets
I paid my dues
I paid my debts
I made a mess but it’s my bed
No regrets (x2)

Goodness knows I’ve done you wrong
I’m not too gone to see
All’s I knows I’m good with God
I wonder how she feels about me (x2)

You should be scared
I’m not so nice
Many a man has paid the price
You’re pretty thick
So I’ll tell you twice
I’m not so nice  (x2)

I made you and I’ll break you down
I’ll do it slow how does that sound
You’re just a joke that’s goin’ round

Goodness knows you've done me wrong
I’m not too blind to see
You might think you're good with God
We’re gonna have to wait and see
I guess we’ll have to wait and see

Oh hell no, say it ain’t so
Is it too late to save my soul
Where do the busted angels go

Goodness knows I’ve done you wrong
I’m not too gone to see
I can only hope I’m good with God
I wonder how she feels about me(x2)
I guess we’ll have to wait and see

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Post #664: R.E.M. - "Losing My Religion" - Out of Time

So it's no secret that I was raised Catholic.  I attended 10 (ten) years of Catholic school.  I was Baptized and received my First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.  I even went back and taught at a local Catholic school for nine (9) years.  Therefore, it's safe to say that I was fully indoctrinated with the religion and its teachings. 

The primary thing I took from Catholicism is that we are sinners and that we must earn our way into Heaven through repentance and good deeds.  For an individual like me who is an over-achiever and who never believes that anything she does is ever enough, that is a very dangerous religion to adopt from such a tender and impressionable age.  The guilt can be suffocating!!

I eventually pulled away from Catholicism.  I still believe in God and in doing as many good deeds as is humanly possible, but I can't stomach too much more from that religion.

I have taken up meditation lately.  I have always been a huge fan of yoga, but I have struggled with meditation.  Oddly enough, the former religion teacher from the Catholic school where I was employed sent me information about a meditation app called Insight Timer. I love it!!  It has taught me that I am enough, and I have done enough!!!

I even set myself up with a little meditation altar (which is soooooo not necessary, but it can help keep you focused if you are a beginner):

And I will leave you with this interesting little tale...  On January 1st, this guy who lives a few apartments down from me placed an apple in front of a Buddha statue that is sitting outside in front of a tree.  The squirrels proceeded to go completely crazy on said apple, and then it just disappeared.  After I finished a meditation session yesterday, I looked out my window and was thinking about how much I am enjoying meditation.  Immediately in front of me, on one of the branches, was the remains of the partially eaten apple.  It was a bit unnerving, and I had to look up the meaning of the apple.  I discovered that is an offering that is symbolic of the desire for enlightenment.  Now don't get me wrong... I don't intend to make any offerings to any of my statues; however, I still found it incredibly coincidental. I also came across this quote from Buddha while I was looking up the information about the apple:

So maybe I was just ready to move on to another spiritual level in my life, and I assure that I have plenty of amazing teachers on the above-mentioned app.

I will also add that I am fully aware that today's tune is not actually about losing one's religion.  According to Wiki, it is "an expression from the southern region of the United States that means losing one's temper or civility, or 'being at the end of one's rope'."

It seemed fitting, and I haven't covered it yet... Namaste!

Until next time...


Life is bigger
It's bigger
And you, you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream, try, cry, why, try
That was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Post #663: Gigolo Aunts - "Where I Find My Heaven" - Dumb & Dumber Soundtrack

I stumbled upon this quote the other day, and it really hit home:

My father taught me how to read when I was only four (4) years old, and I have had a book in my hands ever since then.  We're just a mere week into 2017, and I've already finished two (2) books and have started on my third (3rd) book.  

I know that some people have to have complete silence whilst reading, but I love to have music playing in the background.  I've been listening to a '90s Indie Radio station on Pandora.  This song came on earlier, and it's been ages since I've heard this one.  You might actually remember it from the film, Dumb & Dumber.

Reading is "where I find my heaven"... always has been... and as I was searching for the quote above, I stumbled upon yet another that I wanted to share:

I hope your 2017 is amazing and magical... I think mine is going to be all that and more!!!

Until next time...


Hey Monday mornin' is only for the brave
And the blood flows through my heart and veins
 Like sand as I shave

And the wind outside, and the taxi's revving
And the lonesome hum that comes from my desk lamp is

Where I find my heaven
Is where I find my heaven
Is where I find my heaven

But Sunday mornin' is only for the blessed
And the grace keeps flowing 
Just as long as we can stay undressed

And a whispered word and my spirit levels
And the sacred moments of silliness are

Where I find my heaven
Where I find my heaven
Where I find my heaven

It's where I find my heaven
It's where I find my heaven
Where I find my heaven
It's where I find my heaven
Where I find my heaven
Where I find my heaven

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Post #662: Johann Strauss II - "Pizzicato Polka"

For the second year in a row, I was able to score a ridiculously cheap seat to the Dallas Symphony Orchestra's New Year's Eve performance.  I was one seat behind where I was last year, and as I took my place in the Orchestra Terrace yet again, I couldn't help but feel as though there was nowhere else I would rather spend my New Year's Eve than alone at the symphony.  As the first notes of the music began, my heart felt so full, and I was so alive.  The biggest smile just lit up my face, and I felt like crying tears of joy.  I shared intermission with the most pleasant elderly couple who drove in from Ennis, Texas, and who spent their entire lives in the teaching profession.  They strongly encouraged me to return to teaching.  Little aspects of their personalities reminded me of both sets of my grandparents, whom I miss so dearly - especially around this time of year, so it was an even greater treat to spend my evening in the presence of such lovely individuals.

My favorite tune of the evening was, by far, Strauss' "Pizzicato Polka".  I love when the musicians pluck their strings.  The sound is so whimsical and fun.  This song was made up entirely of the string section plucking their instruments, and I couldn't have been more delighted.  The only thing that would have made my evening more enjoyable would have been an elegant ballroom with dashing suitors... but sadly, this is not Victorian England, and I am not Elizabeth Bennet... however, to watch everyone bop around in their seats to this one was the most fun I've had in awhile.

I made it safely home by 10:00 p.m., and I turned on Pandora.  I couldn't wait to see what tune the app would select for me to ring in the New Year, and as the clock struck midnight, none other than "Now My Heart Is Full" by Morrissey** came over the speaker. My eyes widened, and I let out a little gasp.  Not even a few hours prior, the thought crossed my mind about how full my heart felt... I love fateful moments such as that.  I can only hope that 2017 brings me more happiness and joy.  I am ready for it!!!

Happy New Year!!

Until next time...


There's gonna be some trouble 
A whole house will need re-building 
And everyone I love in the house 
Will recline on an analyst's couch quite soon 
Your father cracks a joke 
And in the usual way 
Empties the room 

Tell all of my friends 
I don't have too many 
Just some rain-coated lovers' puny brothers
Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt 
Rush to danger 
Wind up nowhere 
Patric Doonan, raised to wait 
I'm tired again, I've tried again, and 

Now my heart is full 
Now my heart is full 
And I just can't explain 
So I won't even try to

Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt 
Every jammy Stressford poet 
Loafing oafs in all-night chemists 
Loafing oafs in all-night chemists 
Underact, express depression 
Ah, but Bunnie I loved you 
I was tired again 
I've tried again, and 

Now my heart is full 
Now my heart is full 
And I just can't explain 
So I won't even try to 

Could you pass by? 
Could you pass by? 
Could you pass by? 
Could you pass by? 
Could you pass by? 

Now my heart is full 
Now my heart is full 
And I just can't explain 
So so 
So so so so so

**In an interview published in Les Inrockuptibles in 1995, Morrissey said "This song was the definitive expression of my change to adulthood, of my maturity. And, to be honest, I was very happy to be able to sing this text, to have reached this state. After this song I could perfectly retire: I've come full circle."