Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post #618: The Gentrys - "Keep On Dancing" - Keep on Dancing

I heard this one on the way to work this morning, and it's been stuck in my head all day! Therefore, I decided to share it with all of you and get it stuck in your heads too!!  It's such a fun, little song, and it gets me so pumped every time I hear it... 

I am getting so crazy-excited about getting the heck out of this dump of a duplex that I've been living in for the past eight (8) years.  In fact, in a strange sort of way, it kind of feels like I've just been sleepwalking through the past few years of my life... just going through the motions, ya know???  It's time to wake up!!!

Change is good... life is good... and "I keep on dancin'"... (I really am considering joining tap dancing classes again)!!!

Until next time...


I keep on dancin' (keep on)
Keep on doin' the jerk right now
Shake it, shake it, baby
Come on & show me how you work
Now you're in motion
Keep on doin' the locomotion, yeah
Don't worry, little babe
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, yes!

Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)
Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)
Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)

I keep on dancin' (keep on)
Keep on doin' the jerk
Shake it, shake it, baby
Come on & show me how you work

 Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)
Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)
Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)

I keep on dancin' (keep on)
Keep on doin' the jerk right now
Shake it, shake it, baby
Come on & show me how you work
Now you're in motion
Keep on doin' the locomotion, yeah
Don't worry, little babe
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, yes!

Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)
Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)
Keep on dancin' & a-prancin' (ah)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Post #617: Smashing Pumpkins - "Disarm (2011 Acoustic Mix)" - Siamese Dream

So today, as I was continuing to prepare for my upcoming move and as I was taking down the posters of various song lyrics from my bedroom walls that have been hanging there for the past eight (8) years, "Disarm" came on my Pandora mix. The acoustic version that I have included for you was released in 2011; however, the original was released when I was in high school.  I selected the acoustic version because the purity of the instruments always gives me chill bumps down the arms.

It was such a bittersweet moment to hear this song as I was performing the aforementioned task, and I had to laugh to myself at the thought that two (2) different individuals (for whom I cared very deeply and whom I also thought cared about me) commented under differing circumstances on how "juvenile"/"high school" said lyric posters were... 

Therefore, I can only assume that "adult" decor consists of, oh I don't know, maybe kitchen towels with roosters and farm scenery, and I suppose the bedroom must include pictures of pivotal life events such as a wedding and children, alongside god knows what else is viewed as adult rites of passage...  Ummmm, well, no thank you!!!  To me, surrounding myself with the drudgery of what is expected of every human would be a fate almost as awful as death, and I will proudly wear the "juvenile"/"high school" badge if its means preserving my freedom, independence, individuality, and quirkiness!!!

Speaking of decor, I will be retaining my same level of quirkiness at my new residence with an old school Hollywood theme for the bedroom & bathroom (a la James, Audrey, Marilyn, etc.), and I even found a shower curtain on eBay with a collage of all the Hollywood greats.  For the living area, I have decided to go with a vintage French/Moulin Rouge theme, which will complement my candy apple red kitchen appliances quite nicely!  (Even though I have adjusted my future birthday travel plans to include the Greek Isles, instead of Paris as originally selected, the "City of Love"/"City of Lights" will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will make it there one day...)

The Smashing Pumpkins have so many ridiculously great tunes that it is impossible to include all of my favorites for you today; however, another favorite that I recently heard while driving home from work was "Perfect", so I'll at least include that one... (Ha!  Check out the "adult" decor in the living spaces in the video for "Perfect"... gosh, I am really missing out, huh?!?!)

Until next time...


Disarm you with a smile
And cut you like you want me to
Cut that little child
Inside of me and such a part of you
Ooh, the years burn

Ooh, the years burn
I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my choice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you
Disarm you with a smile
And leave you like they left me here
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one who's left alone
Ooh, the years burn
Ooh, the years burn, burn, burn
I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my voice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Post #616: The Stone Poneys - "Different Drum" - Evergreen, Volume 2

I have endured quite a bit of drama from my family over the course of these past two years, but the most heart-wrenching episode started around Thanksgiving and will continue until my sister either straightens out or dies... I know that sounds harsh, but it's reality!!!

When a person's children and their freedom are jeopardized due to their behaviors, decisions, and lifestyle choices, and then they continue right along with the exact same behaviors, decisions, and lifestyle choices, I have a really difficult time accepting that!

Sadly, I've encountered many people like that in my lifetime, and my sister's story has now turned into a nightmare of an ordeal involving drugs, schemes, shady characters, and crimes (and expensive attorney's fees) that have ultimately resulted in her losing custody of my nephew right after Thanksgiving. She always said that if she lost her son, that would be the end of her... again, the reality is that it has done precious little to straighten her out.

I know that I have been somewhat cryptic in other posts with statements like: "It's not my story to tell..."  But ya know what?  It is my story to tell because other people's choices and decisions do impact those closest to them, and it is so incredibly unfair when those hurt the most are too young or too innocent to be able to have a say in anything!!!  

One of my former co-workers has been awesome with regard to listening to me and hearing me out over the course of the past few years when the next tragedy has surfaced time and time again. After this most recent episode, her response was: "Have you thought about going back to church?"

Honestly, it really pissed me off at first to hear her ask me that. What has church ever done for me? I went for decades, and it didn't spare me from any of my mistakes and heartaches... The last time I went, in fact, was the summer of 2014 to attend the funeral Mass for one of my former students who was 22-years-old and who died from a drug overdose... but I told her I'd think about it.

After I hung up, this cover by The Stone Poneys came on one of my Sirius stations --- it was originally done by someone else, but I'm too lazy to look up the info right now. I haven't heard it in ages, but something about Linda Ronstadt's voice felt like home.  Then I remembered how sometimes when I would go back to church after an extended break, it would kind of feel like home.

So, believe it or not, that's where I'm headed this evening... back to church... Saturday evening Mass.  I can't promise that it will be a weekly event, but I'm willing to give it another shot for this evening at least.

I probably shouldn't admit that what I'm really looking forward to is the Greek food that we have decided to partake in after Mass, but the reason I even mention it is because for so long, I have said that I am taking myself to Paris for my 40th birthday... but I've been honestly thinking about a cruise of the Greek Isles instead.  Google some pictures, and you'll understand why.  It's beautiful!!!

So here's to better choices for everyone in 2016!!!

Until next time...


You and I travel to the beat of a different drum
Oh can't you tell by the way I run
Every time you make eyes at me
You cry and moan and say it will work out
But honey child I've got my doubts
You can't see the forest for the trees
Oh don't get me wrong
It's not that I knock it
It's just that I am not in the market
For a boy who wants to love only me
Yes, and I ain't saying you ain't pretty
All I'm saying is I'm not ready
For any person place or thing
To try and pull the reins in on me
So good-bye I'll be leaving
I see no sense in this crying and grieving
We'll both live a lot longer
If you live without me
Oh don't get me wrong
It's not that I knock it
It's just that I am not in the market
For a boy who wants to love only me
Yes, and I ain't saying you ain't pretty
All I'm saying is I'm not ready
For any person place or thing
To try and pull the reins in on me
So good-bye I'll be leaving
I see no sense in this crying and grieving
We'll both live a lot longer
If you live without me

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Post #615: The Fratellis - "Creepin' Up The Backstairs" - Costello Music

If you, too, are in the midst of packing and cleaning for an upcoming move, might I suggest some tunes by The Fratellis to get you energized?  And if the name, Fratelli, sounds familiar, that's because they ripped it from the family of the criminals in the '80s film, The Goonies, which is quite alright with me because I adored that film when I was a kid.

I am seriously looking forward to my well-deserved change of scenery.  I hope 2016 is treating everyone fantastically!  So far, so good for me!!

In addition to "Creepin' Up The Backstairs", I'll also include two other favorites off the album, "Chelsea Dagger" and "Whistle For The Choir"... enjoy!!!

Until next time...



She said "I'm Rosie"
I said "I thought you were Lucy"
She said "No Rosie, I told you so"
Was here with your sister
But she's going out the back
I wanna dance and have fun you know
Of all the sh*tty little places I meet you it's here
And I'm freaking out
I heard you got a brand new name
Selling Es in the dark
But hey it's nothing to shout about

Don't just say yes to tease me
Do your utmost to please me
I don't mean to be sleazy
Being you can't be easy

When you're creepin' up the backstairs
Mother's nightmares
Falling in the front door
My my
Climbing in the window
Get dressed, let's go
Take your brother's car keys
Bye bye

Well I see your yellow fingers
And your crucifix bones
All covered in cellophane
Was there when your best friend said
"Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again"
I wouldn't move if I was you
I wouldn't wanna get caught when the lights go out
She said "You think you're so special"
I said "Sunshine I'm just just bored I'm just checkin' out"

Don't just say yes to tease me
Do your utmost to please me
I don't mean to be sleazy
Being you can't be easy

When you're creepin' up the backstairs
Mother's nightmares
Falling in the front door
My my
Climbing in your window
Get dressed, let's go
Take your brother's car keys
Bye bye

Don't just say yes to tease me
Do your utmost to please me
I don't mean to be sleazy
Being you can't be easy

When you're creepin' up the backstairs
Mother's nightmares
Falling in the front door
My my
Climbing in the window
Get dressed let's go
Take your brother's car keys
Bye bye

Friday, January 1, 2016

Post #614: Richard Wagner - "Arrival of the Guests at the Wartburg" - Tannhauser

So you might recall from my previous post that I scored a ridiculously cheap ticket to New Year's Eve With The DSO since it was the only remaining seat in the section, and I now declare myself to be a huge fan of the symphony... in fact, I cannot wait to go back!!!  

I must admit that I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to like it.  I attended a production of the opera, Carmen, awhile back, and although I appreciated certain aspects of the performance, I just have a difficult time getting into all that high-pitched shrieking that people consider singing.  Some of it is just downright painful to the eardrums!  However, last night was dedicated primarily to the music, and I only had to endure a minor amount of singing by a mezzo-soprano for a few numbers.

My seat was so close that I could practically read the sheet music.  Seriously, I had no idea that the Orchestra Terrace actually wrapped around and onto the stage, but it was a sight to behold and an experience of a lifetime:

My favorite number, by far, was Wagner's "Arrival of the Guests at the Wartburg".  When the horns began, it really was like being hit by a "Wall of Sound".  You may recall me mentioning in other posts that Phil Spector was a huge fan of Wagner, and he would often blast "Ride of the Valkyries" when he needed inspiration.  Even Pete Burns from Dead or Alive said that he used that same song for inspiration when composing "You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)".  Phil Spector is most known for using the "Wall of Sound" when working with The Crystals and The Ronettes.  In essence, Wiki describes it as: "having a number of electric and acoustic instrumentalists perform the same parts in unison, adding musical arrangements for large groups of musicians up to the size of orchestras, then recording the sound using an echo chamber."  

So I've also included a couple of tunes by The Crystals for you today called "Da Doo Ron Ron" and "He's Sure The Boy I Love" so that you can see how music composed in the mid-1800s served to inspire music composed in the 1960s. (I also covered The Crystals during Week Eight when I talked about 1960s Girl Groups if you want to check out more of their tunes.)  However, I'm not including any lyrics today so that you focus on the instruments and not the lyrics.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2016!  So far, I am.  I was thrilled to see that Pride & Prejudice was added to Netflix today so that I can hear Mr. Darcy utter phrases like: "My good opinion once lost is lost forever..." & "You have bewitched me body and soul..."  I'm about to embark upon my second viewing for today as I drift off to sleep.  Lame, I know, but ask me if I care... I assure you that I don't!!!

I wish I had some awesome resolutions to share with you for 2016, but my only current goals are to move into a new place in the next few weeks... and to drink more water!  I think I could definitely benefit from staying better hydrated!!!

Until next time...
