Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week One Hundred and Twenty-Eight: The Magnetic Fields - "Love Goes Home to Paris in the Spring" - The House of Tomorrow (EP)

So I've had to spend quite a bit of time at home over this past week, in order to nurse my dog (and his $1000 penis --- read last week's post for an explanation) back to health, which also means that I've been listening to my iPod on *shuffle* quite incessantly. One little surprise that popped up the other day was this tune, "Love Goes Home to Paris in the Spring" by The Magnetic Fields.

This is such a warm and cozy-feeling little tune, and it got me to thinking: "If love goes home to Paris in the Spring, does that mean that it vacations in the States during the Fall and Winter?!?!?" I sure hope so because my love life has pretty much been non-existent for quite some time now, but I also haven't exactly been out on a manhunt lately either...

Another activity that I have been practicing, in order to pass the time, is cooking. I truly haven't cooked much of anything in forever (or at least a very long time); however, I just popped some sour cream green chile chicken enchiladas in the oven, and I'm about to tackle a Heath Bar crunch cheesecake. 

Sorry, Morrissey, I realize that you are vehemently opposed to consuming chicken, but I am vehemently opposed to battling pleurisy and pneumonia any longer, which I battled almost yearly for the last five years of my almost twenty years of vegetarianism. In case you haven't heard, though, Morrissey confirmed that he has been battling cancer (not sure what kind though), and my thoughts and prayers are most certainly with him... but I'm still going to fully enjoy my homemade sour cream green chile chicken enchiladas!!!

I'll also include "(Crazy For You But) Not That Crazy"...

I'm counting the habits you made me break
I'm counting the drugs you won't let me take
I'm counting my friends you won't let me see

I've had enough, you never give me anything
Don't you know love goes home to Paris in the Spring?

Adding up the odds, I've waited for you
I'm counting the calls that never came through
I'm counting my friends you melted away
I'm counting the times you came for a day

I've had enough, you never give me anything
Don't you know love goes home to Paris in the Spring?

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