Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week One Hundred and Twenty-One: She Wants Revenge - "Red Flags and Long Nights" - She Wants Revenge

So one of my close friends has been involved, for roughly the past year or so, with this jack@ss whom she met on a dating site... He has really placed her on an emotional roller coaster with so many up and downs that the yo-yoing is even starting to nauseate me, and I'm just an innocent bystander.

The worst part about it all is that the "red flags" he displayed from the very beginning were somehow overlooked by her, and this is a chickadee who has practically spent her life savings subscribing to every girly magazine outlining the ways to be successful in relationships and purchasing every how-to book on the proper way to snag a fella.

So while I was peacefully re-reading The Picture of Dorian Gray last night and listening to my iPod on *shuffle* mode, I began to receive texts from her about how awful life and the world are...then this song, "Red Flags and Long Nights", came on.

I had to chuckle a bit because I love the lines: "You can occupy my every sigh; You can rent a space inside my mind; At least until the price becomes too high..." You see, my father has often had to practice tough love with me when it comes to my romantic relationships because, I too, have a tendency to select jack@sses to be my love interests. 

There was this one particularly dark period in my life that I was having difficulty overcoming, and my dad's favorite phrases to say to me were: "How long are you going to let that boy have free space in your mind?" and "How long is he going to get free rent up in your head?" --- that was probably the most effective phrasing because I assure you "that boy" had already received plenty of free rent when we were cohabitating.

She's not the type with whom I could ever take a tough love approach, but I did start throwing out the idea that he's simply stringing her along...only time will tell how it will all play out.

In light of my above tale, I will add another one of my favorites by She Wants Revenge called "I Don't Wanna Fall in Love"...

Sick of trying to find a way inside
Sick and tired of all the after
Sick of trying to find a way to slide
Even though it always ends in laughter

It's never hard to tell when things are done
She looked into my eyes and a voice said run
She says that I'm a mess but it's alright
Whether it's 2 weeks, 2 years or just tonight

You can occupy my every sigh
You can rent a space inside my mind
At least until the price becomes too high

I can find a reason that we should quit
I can find a reason to do it
I can find excuses for all my shit
She tells me just to work right through it

She's pretty and I like her but she's too well
'Cause I need red flags and long nights and she can tell
It's not that it's my fault, it's just my style
Beginning with a look and then a smile

You can occupy my every sigh
You can rent a space inside my mind
At least until the price becomes too high

You can occupy my every sigh
You can rent a space inside my mind
At least until the price becomes too high

She don't need a thing, she don't need saving or a lay
She's got all her friends around and you can hear them say
He's not into you, he's into the idea of
But little do they know that she's not through

You can occupy my every sigh
You can rent a space inside my mind
At least until the price becomes too high

You can occupy my every sigh
You can rent a space inside my mind
At least until the price becomes too high

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