Friday, February 16, 2018

Post #703: T42 - "Desire" - Intruder

So I made it out to the Book of Love show at the Granada Theater this evening, and although I've always been a huge fan of Book of Love, the real reason I decided to go was to finally see the opening act, T42.  I wish you all could have been there to hear their synthpop cover of "Make A Circuit With Me" by The Polecats... it was amazing!!!

Way back when The Edge was on 94.5 on the radio dial, they would play T42, and I loved, loved, loved them!!  I've already posted about their song, "Don't Let My Love", but it's such an amazing song that I'm going to include it again for you today.  At tonight's show, he mentioned that he wrote it when he was 16-years-old!!

And I have to give some love to Book of Love even though I didn't stay for their entire set --- it was waaaay tooooo crowwwwded, and people were kinda being jerks and were breathing all my air!!!  I enjoyed what I saw though!!!

Until next time...


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Post #702: Siouxsie & The Banshees - "Fear (Of The Unknown)" - Superstition

So guess who was the proud recipient of the COOLEST (digital) Valentine EVER??? This girl right here - yep, me!!!  Check it out:

So what if it came from my certifiably insane stalker-ish coworker?!?!?  It still qualifies as the COOLEST (digital) Valentine EVER!!!

And it reminded me of this hilarious Valentine's Day story that I will share with you now... So my best friend in college was this 6'5" super-duper gay guy.  Well, it just so happens that he developed a huge crush on this other guy in one of his art classes.  As a result of this crush, he constructed this amazing heart sculpture out of wire and nails and who knows what else, but it looked awesome!!  

Our plan was to wait until the wee hours of the morning, drive over to the guy's apartment, and leave the heart hanging on his door.  Throughout the course of the evening, we ingested way too much Vodka (which we always added to our Slurpees - instant daiquiri), and we determined that it would be a fantastic idea to add some of the lyrics from today's song (the part that begins: "Imagine two complete strangers...") in a card that would be attached to the heart.

Of course my friend did not want to write out the lyrics because the guy would immediately recognize his handwriting.  So being the amazing friend that I was, I decided to take on the task of writing said lyrics, even though my handwriting was far more distinguishable than his --- I mean, I once had a high school teacher refer to it as "heavy metal handwriting"

But back to my story... so our plan went off without a hitch... until the next day that is!!

You see, in college, I spent about... oh, let's say... 75% or so of my time in Siouxsie & The Banshees concert t-shirts.  Did I mention that I have one of their logos tattooed on my back???

And as we walked into the coffee shop later that morning, his crush started making googley-eyes... at ME!!!!  It was the WORST feeling EVER!!!

Oh well, you live and you learn, I suppose...


Until next time...


I get the feeling -- I'm not alone
I get the feeling -- it's someone I don't know

Do you ever have the strange sensation
When you're standing mighty tall
To jump from 17 floors and crash into freefall
But then fear takes control -- fear of the unknown

Imagine two complete strangers
Who suspect they were meant to be
Both in need of love and affection
Yet their suspicions prevent something heavenly
Fear takes control -- fear of the unknown

Aware of what will hurt you
You're prepared to remain this way
So sad yet safe with your afflictions
Afraid to start a brand new day

We all get the strangest feeling
When we're standing mighty tall
To jump from 17 floors and crash into freefall

But then fear carries all -- fear of the unknown
Fear takes its toll -- fear of the unknown
Aware of what will hurt you
You're prepared to remain this way
So sad yet safe with your afflictions
Afraid to start a brand new day

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Post #701: Morrissey - "The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get" - Vauxhall & I

So as I've probably mentioned a time or two already on this here little blog of mine, I LOVE to read!  My favorite genre of literature is the memoir.  With that said, I recently finished a fantastic memoir by Diablo Cody.  If her name sounds familiar to you, that's because she wrote the ever-so-witty film, Juno.

Her memoir is titled Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper.  At no time did I anticipate finding Morrissey's name in a memoir with a title such as this, but he is there in black-and-white on page 145 under the heading of "The Ten Worst Songs to Strip To".  I suppose Morrissey would be okay with that, even if he only charted at Number 10.  A huge shout out to Vanilla Ice for coming in 4th place!! :)

I've scanned the cover of the memoir for you, as well as the previously mentioned section:  

And although I could most likely name at least 10 other memoirs that I would suggest to you before recommending this one, it still had me laughing out loud from cover to cover, so it's definitely worth the read.

Another one of my favorites from the Vauxhall & I album is "Speedway".  That tune has been running wild through my head all week, so I'm including it for you today, as well.

Until next time...


The more you ignore me
The closer I get
You're wasting your time
The more you ignore me
The closer I get
You're wasting your time
I will be
In the bar
With my head
On the bar
I am now
A central part
Of your mind's landscape
Whether you care
Or do not
Yeah, I've made up your mind
The more you ignore me
The closer I get
You're wasting your time
The more you ignore me
The closer I get
You're wasting your time
I bear more grudges
Than lonely high court judges
When you sleep
I will creep
Into your thoughts
Like a bad debt
That you can't pay
Take the easy way
And give in
Yeah, and let me in
Oh, let me in
Oh let me
Oh, let me in
It's war
It's war
It's war
It's war
It's war
Oh, let me in
Ah, the closer I get
Ah, you're asking for it
Ah, the closer I get
Ooh, the closer I