Monday, December 25, 2017

Post #697: Christmas - Part I - The Shangri-Las - "Out in the Streets" - England Is Mine Soundtrack

Merry Christmas everyone!!  Today, I'm bringing you gifts in the form of two (2) posts... hope you enjoy... Part I:  

So of course, most people have an idea of how a holiday should be celebrated, and more often than not, it includes being surrounded by family and loved ones and lots of food and festivities and gifts and what not... and I must agree that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that method of celebration!!

However, for others, that's not always possible.  Take for instance... my family.  Through no fault of my own, we are often forced to celebrate holidays on the wonkiest of days... like Saturday, December 16th, this year.  I won't get into my family dynamics... because it won't make anything different or better... but it definitely poses a challenge when the "actual" holiday rolls around.

This year, I made a decision to celebrate the way that felt right to me.  My therapist (haha, I know what you must be thinking) loved the idea because she reminded me that the holidays should be spent with those who loved and supported us most throughout the year... and this year, that just so happened to be me, myself, and I!!

So I started off my Christmas Eve with a film called England Is Mine.  It's a Morrissey biopic.  It never made it to theaters in Texas, other than a viewing at SXSW.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but it actually was really enjoyable... and oh my, the soundtrack was phenomenal!!  Even if Morrissey hated the film, I would hope that he at least appreciated the tracks that were selected to represent his tastes.

So one of the influences that Morrissey has mentioned time and time again is The Shangri-Las.  I absolutely adore The Shangri-Las!!  At one point in the film, they have the actor who portrays Morrissey (Jack Lowden) sing "Give Him A Great Big Kiss", and my mouth dropped to the ground as the backing band played the tune in a way that sounded like none other than The Smiths song, "Rusholme Ruffians"... it was a magical moment for me!!  (YouTube clips are below the lyrics for you to view and compare.)

Another Shangri-Las tune that made it into the film is "Out in the Streets"... one of my favorites!!  

So after the film, I made myself a Caesar salad, a DiGiorno pepperoni pizza (oh my graciousness, I forgot how delicious those things are --- seriously gonna be my new Christmas Eve tradition!!), and some sparkling grape juice (because I don't drink)... and it was amazing!!!  I followed up a few hours later with a dessert of the yummy gingerbread cookie pictured below (which I purchased... I'm not taking credit for that, haha!) and a cup of eggnog!!

Over the course of the evening, one of my close friends texted to tell me how stressed out she was over holiday preparations and yet another sent a text that advised that all of the holiday travel left her with "the worst head cold ever"... While snuggling close to the fire with my little dog, Pixie, I texted back to both: "What a shame!!!" (along with my sympathies and Christmas pleasantries, of course...)

I still had some funds leftover on an iTunes card; so I also purchased That Thing You Do! because I have loved that film forever, and you can't beat a $4.99 price tag... heck, I'll throw in that song for you today too!  

And I must say that my Christmas Eve topped my expectations, and I had an amazing day of both relaxation and celebration!!

I'll be back later this evening with Part II...

Until next time...


He don't
hang around
with the gang no more
He don't do the wild things
that he did before
He used to act bad
Used to, but he quit it
It make me so sad
Cause I know that he did it
for me
(Yes he did now)
And I can see
(It's still in the streets)
His heart, out in the street
He don't
comb his hair
like he did before
He don't wear those dirty old
black boots no more
But he's not the same
Somethin about his kissin
That tells me he's changed
I know that something's missing
Somethin's died
(It's still in the streets)
His heart, out in the street
He grew up on the sidewalk
Streetlight shinin above
He grew up with no-one to love
He grew up on the sidewalk
He grew up running free
He grew up and then he met me
He don't
hang around
with the gang no more
Gee, he doesn't smile like
he did before
I wish I didn't care
I wish I'd never met him
They're waitin downstairs
I know I've got to set him
He's gotta be
(Out in the street)
His heart is out in the street
He don't hang around with the gang no more
(Out in the street)
He don't hang around with the gang no more
(Out in the street)
He don't hang around with the gang no more
(Out in the street)

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