Sunday, December 30, 2018

Post #712: R.E.M. - "So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)" - Reckoning

On December 27, 2018, I officially became free of all debt! As I checked all of my accounts and saw a balance of $0 and as I saw a brand new screen regarding my car loan that read "paid off," I expected to be far more excited than I was.  Instead, I sat very still and breathed one of the deepest breaths that I have taken in decades, all the while wondering why in the world I wasn't jumping up and down with ecstatic joy. However, I will share that it did feel like someone took a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge and made me all shiny inside.

I needed groceries, so I headed up to my beloved Target, and I decided that, at the bare minimum, I should purchase a small token to commemorate my debt-free existence. As I walked by the table of discounted Christmas candy, I picked up a box of chocolate covered cherries and smiled. Every year for Christmas, my paternal grandparents would give me an envelope full of money and a box of chocolate covered cherries. Of course, the money was nice, but it was never really about the money for me; it was about savoring the sweetness of those delicious cherries. As I placed the discounted box into my cart, it finally hit me like a ton of bricks: IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE DEBT; IT WAS ABOUT FINALLY FORGIVING MYSELF FOR THE MISTAKES OF MY PAST...

You see, I could have paid off my debts months ago if I had just borrowed from my savings account and put it back little-by-little, but I didn't.  I very systematically and methodically planned for my debt-free date to be exactly when I needed it to be.  Did I know it was about self-forgiveness this whole time?? Maybe deep, deep down I did; however, it wasn't until that whole chocolate covered cherry incident that I truly realized what had ultimately happened just an hour or so earlier. I essentially said to myself that I was sorry and really, really meant it!!

Now don't get me wrong; the fact that every penny I make from this point forward will be mine all mine is beyond splendid, but finally forgiving myself is priceless!!

This is all very new to me, and I'm still trying to fully wrap my mind around it all.  As I had mentioned before on numerous occasions, I have spent the majority of my adult life drowning in debt, so I am truly anxious to see where my new financial freedom might take me.  At the very least, I hope to check in with you far more frequently than I did this past year.

Until next time...


Did you never call? I waited for your call
These rivers of suggestion are driving me away
The trees will bend, the cities wash away
The city on the river there is a girl without a dream

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Eastern to Mountain, third party call, the lines are down
The wise man built his words upon the rocks
But I'm not bound to follow suit
The trees will bend, the conversation's dimmed
Go build yourself another home, this choice isn't mine

I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Did you never call? I waited for your call
These rivers of suggestion are driving me away
The ocean sang, the conversation's dimmed
Go build yourself another dream, this choice isn't mine

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Post #711: The Alarm - "Rescue Me" - Eye of the Hurricane

Like many other young girls, I grew up in the mystical land of fairy tales, always wondering when my knight in shining armor was on his way to rescue me.

My childhood was a rough one and was less than ideal, and I just knew that if I could find "the one" who would swoop me up and take me away from all the turmoil and chaos, I would finally live happily ever after.

"The one" never seemed to arrive, and I spent most of my 20s and 30s rescuing my significant others from their hardships and woes.  Suddenly, I just stopped.  I finally came to terms with the fact that it was time to rescue myself.

I found my own castle in the form of a three-story townhouse in the part of Dallas where I had always wanted to live with the most lovely and serene lake as my backyard.  I created my own riches in the form of financial security with 6 months of expenses stashed away in a savings account and 2 retirement accounts to boot.  I went on my own adventures in the form of solo road trips and weekends without any plans so that I could wake up and let the day take me where it wanted.  I am in the process of living my happily ever after and writing my own magnificent fairy tale.

So what if it doesn't mirror the same old tired tale I heard over and over again as a youngster!!!  Mine is even more perfect from my perspective, and I thank all the powers that be day-in and day-out for the beautiful, magical, simple and spectacular life that I get to live.

Before I leave you for today, I will share with you a memory that I have of a wishing fountain.  The optometrist's office that my mother took me to when I was very young had a fountain in the center that, over time, became full of pennies and what I assume were lots and lots of wishes.  One of the last wishes that I ever made in that fountain must have been when I was around 12 or 13-years-old.  I wished for a life that would never be boring and one that would not look like everyone else's... So who says wishes never come true??????

Today I dedicate this to all the women out there who were once young girls with fairy tale visions in their dreams --- Please, please, please rescue yourself if that's what you need.  Quit waiting around for someone else to do it for you.  Write your own fairy tale and fill it with as much magic and adventure as you need because you are more than worth it!!!

Until next time...


A renegade
Rides a run away train
To liberate
Tear these bonds asunder
A fugitive
Running from a chain gang
Comfort me
Grant me absolution
Running all my life
Running all my day
Running through the night
Seems like forever
Take me now
I'm so tired
Take me now
This time, forever
I'm on the run like a refugee
Oh come on rescue me
I'm destitute
I'm looking for protection
I want love
And physical asylum
A vagabond
Running from destruction
Cover me
While I seek defection
Running all my life
Running all my day
Running through the night
Seems like forever
Take me now
I'm so tired
Take me now
This time, forever
I'm on the run like a refugee
I believe you can rescue me
Running all my life
Running all my day
Running through the night
Seems like forever
Take me now
I'm so tired
Take me now
This time, forever
On the run like a refugee
Oh come on rescue me
Got to run like a refugee
I believe you can rescue me
Come on, come on, come on, come on

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Post #710: Blue October - "Calling You" - History for Sale

**Warning**Warning** --- Today's song will get stuck in your head, and you'll be humming it for the rest of the day... but it's so amazing that I'd be surprised if you weren't thanking me for it later!!! --- **Warning**Warning**

So I was cleaning up my blog yesterday... figuring out what videos need to be updated and whatnot... when I realized that I have been posting since 2012... which means how many Octobers have passed without me posting about Blue October?!?!?  What a complete shame!!!

Anyway, Blue October hails from my great state of Texas, and they'll actually be passing through DFW in a few weeks... on Saturday, October 20th, to be exact!

I'll be honest when I admit that I only really got into this song and another one of their hits called "Hate Me" (which I'll post below the lyrics); however, I do appreciate the fact that the lead singer has been very open about his struggles with addiction and that he translated his experience, strength, and hope into some amazing lyrics!!

And speaking of bands passing through DFW, I am completely blown away by some of the bands that have been showing up on my Pandora feed: Snow Patrol on 10/27; Simple Minds on 11/03; Cat Power on 11/29; Gin Blossoms on 12/07; Brian Setzer Orchestra on 12/10... and these are just the ones that I'm seriously considering attending!! There are a whole slew of others that I might attend, as well!!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying what has always been my favorite month of the year, sometimes lovingly known as Rocktober!!!

Until next time...


There's something that I can't quite explain
I'm so in love with you
You'll never take that away
And if I've said a hundred times before
Expect a thousand more
You'll never take that away
So expect me to be
Calling you to see
If you're okay when I'm not around
Asking "if you love me"
I love the way you make it sound
Calling you to see
Do I try too hard to make you smile?
To make a smile
Well I will keep calling you to see
If you're sleeping, are you're dreaming
If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me
I can't believe you actually picked me
I thought that the world had lost it's sway
(It's so hard sometimes)
Then I fell in love with you
(Then came you)
And you took that away
(It's not so difficult
The world is not so difficult)
You take away the old
Show me the new
And I feel like I can fly when I stand next to you
So while I'm on this phone
A hundred miles from home
I'll take the words you gave me and send them back to you
I only want to see
If you're okay when I'm not around
Asking "if you love me"
I love the way you make it sound
Calling you to see
Do I try too hard to make you smile?
To make a smile
Well I will keep calling you to see
If you're sleeping are you're dreaming
If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me
I can't believe you actually picked me
Well I will keep calling you to see
If you're sleeping are you're dreaming
If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me
I can't believe you actually picked me
Well I will keep calling you to see
If you're sleeping are you're dreaming
If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me
I can't believe you actually picked me
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Post #709 - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - "I Wanna Be Like You" - This Beautiful Life

And now for my third (3rd) and final post for this lovely Sunday... so this fun little tune has been showing up on one of my Pandora stations lately, and Swing revival, how I love thee so!!! Apparently, this was recorded for the soundtrack for the film, Swingers, but it never actually made the cut in the film itself.

I think Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is such an awesome band!!  I just wish that I had more of an appreciation for them when they were at their peak, as opposed to being such an uber-goth princess that I turned my nose up at anything that wasn't dark and twisty!!!

Oh well, such is life, but I hope you enjoy their version of this song from The Jungle Book just as much as I do!!

I'll also include another sweet little tune called "It Only Took A Kiss" that they did with Meaghan Smith... and I'll try not to stay gone as long between postings!!!

Until next time...


Now I'm the king of the swingers, boy, Jungle V.I.P
Well I've reached the top, and had to stop and that's what's bothering me
I wanna be a man, now man cub stroll right into town
Be just like the other men, I'm tired of monkeying around

So woo woo ooh, I wanna be just like you
Wanna walk like you, talk like you do
And you see it's true, an ape like me
Can learn to be human too, yeah

Now don't you mess with me man cub, I made a deal with you
What I desire is man's red fire so I can be just like you
And don't you mess with me man-cub, show me what to do
Give me the power of man's red flower so I can be just like you

So woo woo ooh, I wanna be just like you
Wanna walk like you, talk like you do
And you see it's true, an ape like me
Can learn to be human too, yeah

So woo woo ooh, I wanna be just like you
Wanna walk like you, talk like you do
And you see it's true, an ape like me
Can learn to be human too, yeah

So ooh, I wanna be just like you
Wanna walk like you, talk like you do
You see it's true, an ape like me
Can learn to be human too, yeah

Said ooh, I wanna be just like you
Wanna walk like you, talk like you do
You see it's true, an ape like me
Can learn to be human too, yeah

Post #708: Moses Snow - "Celebration of Elvis" - Plaza Theater (Garland, TX)

Oh folks, do I ever have someone to introduce you to today!!!  So I've had the pleasure of seeing quite a few shows at the Plaza Theater in downtown Garland.  However, the BEST performer that I have seen over the past few months is, without a doubt, Moses Snow!!!

If you are not familiar with him, he is an Elvis tribute artist, and it is my understanding that he recently won a competition (or maybe two) at Elvis Week 2018 in Memphis.  After seeing him perform live twice now, I have to say that he definitely deserved it!!

This kid is 15-years-old, and he has his Elvis moves down to a science!  Plus he's really energetic and lively, and he seems like a humble person!!

I haven't had a chance to see him perform "Such A Night" yet, but I found this on YouTube.  This has always been one of my favorite Elvis tunes, and he absolutely nails it in this video!!!

I already have my tickets to the Christmas show that he will be performing at on December 2nd at the Plaza Theater.  If you are in the area, be sure to grab your ticket too... I guarantee that you will have an absolute blast!!!

Until next time...


It was a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
The moon was bright oh how so bright
It was it really was such a night
The night was alight with stars above
Oo-oo when she kissed me
I had to fall in love

Oh it was a kiss oo-oo what a kiss
It was it really was such a kiss
Oh how she could kiss oh what a kiss
It was it really was such a kiss
Just the thought of her lips
Sets me afire
I reminisce and I'm filled with desire
But I'd gave my heart to her in sweet surrender
How well I remember, I'll always remember

Oh, what a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
Came the dawn and my heart and her love
And the night was gone
But I'll never forget the kiss
The kiss in the moonlight
Oo-oo such a kiss, such a night

It was a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
Came the dawn and my heart and her love
And the night was gone
But I'll never forget the kiss
The kiss in the moonlight
How well I remember, I'll always remember

That night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
When we kissed I had to fall in love
But I'd gave my heart to her in sweet surrender
How well I remember, I'll always remember

Oh that night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
When we kissed I had to fall in love
Well she's gone, gone, gone
Yes she's gone, gone, gone
Came the dawn, dawn, dawn
And my love was gone
But before that dawn
Yes before that dawn and before that dawn
Oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo
Such a night