Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Post #682 - Social Distortion - "The Story of My Life" - Social Distortion

I recently finished a book called The Synchronicity Key, which was recommended to me by a kind individual with whom I had been corresponding on the meditation app that I've been using lately.  To say that the book was enlightening would be the understatement of the century, and I'll be more than happy to explain why...

You see, ever since I decided to stop drinking, I have had this feeling that the Universe has been speaking to me through the method of meaningful coincidences.  Now, before you roll your eyes at me, just give me a chance to explain.

Right before I decided to give up alcohol once and for all, life was just utterly pitiful for me.  I remember crying out to the dark abyss one day and begging whoever or whatever was out there to please show me that I was supposed to be here and that I had a purpose.

Within the next few days, I got a callback for an interview at none other than a Catholic school... and no joke, when they opened the blinds to what would eventually become my classroom, the view that I would be looking at for the next decade was that of the church doors.  Chills consumed my entire body because it was almost as if I was being called home since I too was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school.  I remember saying to myself: "Thank you, Universe!"

I have many, many, many more tales such as the one above, but I have always just kept most of these to myself for fear that people would think that I was "losing it" since mental illness does run in my family.  However, The Synchronicity Key taught me that the Universe does speak to us and that there are patterns and sequences and a lot less randomness than I once chose to believe.

What I really enjoyed was the opportunity to put a term to what I once just referred to as coincidences... I'll now call it "synchronicity".

So now I'll tell you how today's song plays into this idea of "synchronicity"... After I wake up and meditate, I always listen to Pandora as I am getting ready for work in the morning. For whatever reason, one of my former students popped into my head.  My next thought was: "Huh, wonder how he is doing?" Immediately after that, out of the millions of songs that Pandora could have selected, the song, "The Story of My Life", came on.  It just so happens that the student that popped into my head had selected that very song to include in his poetry portfolio project.  I always remembered when a student would choose an awesome song since most of them picked teeny-bopper radio tunes.  I don't know if that actually means that he is doing well, but it felt like it deep in my soul.  I smiled to myself and once again said: "Thank you, Universe!"

Another concept that the book touched upon was the idea of energy vampires.  I am very sensitive to my surroundings, and I can often feel my energy being sucked out of me by negative individuals.  I do incredible amounts of work to keep myself centered and grounded and positive, but there are so many individuals out there who don't for whatever reason. Those people have an uncanny ability to drag me down if I'm not careful.

Holy smokes, and as I wrap this up, I am listening to Pandora.  The other song that I intended to include for you this evening is their cover of "Ring of Fire".  Guess what's playing right now?  Yep, none other than "Ring of Fire"... here's a screen shot in case you don't believe me:

Until next time...


High school seemed like such a blur,
I didn't have much interest in sports or school elections.
And in class I dreamed all day,
Of a rock 'n' roll weekend

And the girl in the front of the room,
So close yet so far y'know she never seemed to notice
That this silly schoolboy crush
Wasn't just pretend.

Life goes by so fast
You only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past;
Story of my life

And I went down my old neighborhood
The faces have all changed there's no one left to talk to
And the pool hall I loved as a kid
Is now a Seven Eleven

I went downtown to look for a job
I had no training, no experience to speak of.
I looked at the holes in my jeans
And turned and headed back.


Good times come and good times go,
I only wish the good times would last a little longer.
I think about the good times we had
And why they had to end.

So I sit at the edge of my bed
I strum my guitar and I sing an outlaw love song.
Thinkin' 'bout what you're doin' now
And when you're comin' back.


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