Sunday, February 26, 2017

Post #671: Dario Marianelli (Composer), Jean-Yves Thibaudet (Piano) & the English Chamber Orchestra - "Mrs. Darcy" - Pride & Prejudice Soundtrack

Last night, I returned to the Plaza Theatre in downtown Garland, but this time it was to see a performance of my beloved, Pride & Prejudice:

Was it amazing? Was it a fun way to spend $15 on a Saturday evening? You betcha!!! And it got me to thinking about the fact that I have not posted any music from the film.

I have seen the 2005 version of the film more times than I care to even admit, but I swear, I just lose it every time I see Mr. Darcy come walking up over the moor until the point when he utters... "You have bewitched me body & soul... and I love, I love, I love you... I never wish to be parted from you from this day on..." (I have included the clip below the music since there are no lyrics today).

Until next time...


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Post #670: The Pogues - "Haunted" - Sid & Nancy Soundtrack

I was recently thinking about purchasing myself a brand new laptop computer so that I could go to my local coffee shop and blog away to my heart's content. Then I discovered that there was a whole market dedicated to teensy tiny Bluetooth keyboards that will interface with tablets, and I decided to try one out instead. I am creating this post with the greatest of ease via the most petite keyboard I have ever used. Once you get acquainted with the fact that you have to stop reaching for a mouse that is simply not there and that you must make use of your arrows instead, it's really not too bad... and it saved me close to $500! That little story has absolutely nothing to do with today's post, other than the fact that I am typing such on the world's itsiest bitsiest keyboard, and it's going really well thus far!

So back to today's song... When I was in my tender teen years, I was completely obsessed with the story of Sid & Nancy. Although I claimed to be a fan of The Sex Pistols, it was really the tale of Sid & Nancy that drew me in to the allure of the band. I mean, don't get me wrong, I absolutely appreciated the angstful nature of The Sex Pistols, but the romance between Sid & Nancy was what ultimately sold me.

So why am I even bringing this up? Well, it's because I've been meditating a whole lot lately and learning how to love myself and how to truly forgive. This, of course, conjures up thoughts and feelings about my first major relationship. It was a very tumultuous six-year affair, and although it was not centered around heroin addiction (like Sid & Nancy's), it was full of its own "ups"  but mainly "downs"... and I almost did not make it out alive. I'm not quite ready to get into that story just yet, but maybe after some more meditation, I will be ready to spill my guts.

I recall my mother looking at a picture of Sid Vicious one day and commenting about his uncanny resemblance to my ex, whose name was Jon, and she was right. Jon was often told how much he favored Sid. Ha! And if you watch today's video clip, he even danced a lot like the character who plays Sid in the film. Jon contacted me maybe five years ago when I was still teaching. He found my email address through the school's website. He was requesting a face-to-face meeting so that we could sit down and talk some things through. I had nothing to say to him, so I quickly denied his request and then reported the contact to the school principal. It just so happened that one of the parents of some kids at the school was a detective in the internet crimes division of the Dallas Police Department. So let's just say that Jon received an email from said detective advising him to never ever again contact me on the school's email address, and he never ever again did. It helps to have connections!

Talking about Jon used to create a mess of anxiety in the pit of my stomach. These days, I feel nothing. I have forgiven him and truly wish nothing but the best for him. I used to think that he crushed my spirit, but what he ultimately did was make me stronger... and I thank him for that.

So after all this talk of Sid & Nancy, I want to share with you this amazingly beautiful song from The Pogues that was featured on the soundtrack for the film depicting their love story... check it out if you have never seen it and enjoy!

Until next time...


Do you remember that sunny day?
Somewhere in London
It was the middle of nowhere
I didn't have nothing to do that day
Didn't wanna do nothing anyway

You got a way of walking
You got a way of talking
And there's something about you
And now I know I never ever
Want to be without you

I want to be haunted by the ghost
I want to be haunted by the ghost
I want to be haunted by the ghost
I want to be haunted by the ghost
Of your precious love
Of your precious love

The first time I saw you,
Standing in the street
You were so cool,
You could have put out Vietnam
My girlfriends ask me, "What's he like?"
I say, "He's kind of shy,
But that's the kind of girl I am,
He's my kind of guy"


I'll build my world around you
I'll bless the day that I found you
I'll stand beside you, I'll never leave
Or tell you all those lies
That you'd never believe

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Post #669: Sam (Dooley Wilson) - "As Time Goes By" - Casablanca Soundtrack

So what did you lovely folks do for Valentine's Day??? I took myself to see Casablanca on the big screen at the Angelika. It was one of the best Valentine's Day celebrations EVER! I sipped a delightful Earl Grey hot tea while listening to Humphrey Bogart deliver some of the most memorable lines from a film...

However you ultimately chose to spend your February 14th, I hope you enjoyed yourself and felt very loved!!!

Until next time...


You must remember this 
A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh 
The fundamental things apply 
As time goes by 
And when two lovers woo 
They still say, "I love you"
On that you can rely 
No matter what the future brings 
As time goes by 
Moonlight and love songs 
Are never out of date 
Hearts full of passion 
Jealousy and hate 
Woman needs man 
And man must have his mate 
That no one can deny 
It's still the same old story 
A fight for love and glory 
A case of do or die 
The world will always welcome lovers 
As time goes by

Moonlight and love songs 
Are never out of date 
Hearts full of passion 
Jealousy and hate 
Woman needs man 
And man must have his mate 
That no one can deny 
It's still the same old story 
A fight for love and glory 
A case of do or die 
The world will always welcome lovers 
As time goes by

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Post #668: Toad the Wet Sprocket - "Crazy Life" - Coil

Not much to say really... other than, I wish I had appreciated the '90s far more than I did... mainly just wanted to share this amazing song with all of you... as well as another called "Fall Down"...

Until next time...


Anyway now, it don't seem right
He is in there and you're on the outside
Over pine ridge to wounded knee
There's blood on the ground as far as you see
Crazy life

In the air I'm sensing a change in the weather
In the end the path is clear
Does anyone remember here
Did you all think he'd just disappear
Crazy life
What have you done with Peltier
Who did you think you'd taken away
Crazy life

In the air I'm sensing a change in the weather
In the end the path is clear

Burying won't stop it breathing forever
Underground it takes to root

Anyway, it don't seem right
He is in there and you're on the outside
What have you done with Peltier
Who did you think you'd taken away
It's not over...