Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Post #639: Pearl Jam - "Corduroy" - Vitalogy

Is it terrible that I have been surviving on Ramen noodles and Whole Foods cupcakes for the past few days?  I mean, maybe the cupcakes have some nutrients, right?  They are from Whole Foods after all.  Ha!

However, by the time I FINALLY make it home from work around 8:00 p.m., I am far too exhausted to cook.  Therefore, I enjoy the cupcake as an appetizer while the noodles are microwaving (because boiling water on the stovetop is totally out of the question - takes too much energy), and then I follow up the cupcake with said noodles.  

And that, my dearest Blogland readers, pretty much sums up the backwardness of my life at the moment!!  I'll leave you with this angst-filled Pearl Jam tune to wrap up this post...

Until next time...


The waiting drove me mad
You're finally here and I'm a mess
I take your entrance back
Can't let you roam inside my head

I don't want to take what you can give
I would rather starve than eat your bread
I would rather run but I can't walk
Guess I'll lie alone just like before

I'll take the varmint's path
Oh, and I must refuse your test
Push me and I will resist
This behavior's not unique

I don't want to hear from those who know
They can buy, but can't put on my clothes
I don't want to limp for them to walk
Never would have known of me before

I don't want to be held in your debt
I'll pay it off in blood, let I be wed
I'm already cut up and half-dead
I'll end up alone like I began

Everything has chains
Absolutely nothing's changed
Take my hand, not my picture
Spilled my tincture

I don't want to take what you can give
I would rather starve than eat your breast
All the things that others want for me
Can't buy what I want because it's free
Can't buy what I want because it's free
Can't be what you want because I'm

Ain't supposed to be just one
Oh, to live and die, let it be done
I figure I'll be damned
All alone like I began

It's your move now
I thought you were a friend
But I guess I... I guess I hate you...

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