Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week Fifty-Nine: iPod Picks - Part Deux - The Church - "Metropolis" - Under the Milky Way: The Best of The Church

For Week Fifty-Nine, I'm lacking a bit of inspiration for a theme, so I'm turning my iPod loose again (in the form of putting it on shuffle) and letting it do the picking, just like I did in Week Thirty... Fortunately for me, it still hasn't died yet... It will be a sad, sad day when it eventually happens...

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Even though my trusty little iPod selected the song, "Metropolis", which I very much enjoy, I am going to tell you a story about the song, "Reptile", instead --- I will also include the YouTube video below.

I once had a student who had impeccable taste in 80's music. Apparently, his uncle was in the military, and he got to travel around quite a bit. He visited England every summer, and he knew enough about most of the 80's bands that I liked in order to be able to carry on a decent conversation.

One day, he asked me to make him a mixed CD of some 80's songs. After clearing it with his mother - he was, after all, a student, and I needed her "ok" - I made him the mixed CD as requested. His favorite song on the mix ended up being "Reptile", followed very closely by a Depeche Mode song... I can't recall which one I put on that CD.

He came to visit me this past May, right before I quit teaching, since he heard that I was leaving. He will be a senior in high school this upcoming year. I asked him if he remembered that CD that I made for him, and he said that he still has it and that he even transferred all of the songs over to his iPod.

It's little things like that which will make me miss teaching every now and then, but I am really liking my new job so far!!!

I will also include another favorite, "Under the Milky Way"...

There'll never be another quite like you
I'm so involved with everything you do
Don't say nothing good will ever come of this
Don't say the damage is worse than it is

Back in Metropolis, circuses and elephants
Where the oranges grew
Back in Metropolis nothing can ever topple us
When I'm standing with you

You stare down at some crowd from your trapeze
And when you fell they fell down on their knees
And when you broke they scrambled for a piece
And when you spoke I felt their anger freeze 

Back in Metropolis, circuses and elephants
Where the oranges grew
Back in Metropolis nothing can ever topple us
When I'm standing with you
Back in Metropolis talk about a holocaust
And then visit the zoo
Back in Metropolis the weather is ridiculous
What's it all leading to
And it's only a day away
We could leave tonight
You could sleep along the way 

Dream in black and white

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