Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week Twenty-Eight: New Romantic - Naked Eyes - "Always Something There to Remind Me" - The Best of Naked Eyes

From Wikipedia: New Romanticism (also called blitz kids and a variety of other names) was a pop culture movement in the United Kingdom that began around 1979 and peaked around 1981. Developing in London nightclubs such as Billy's and The Blitz and spreading to other major cities in the UK, it was based around flamboyant, eccentric fashion and New Wave music.

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Seriously, if this song does not tug at your heartstrings, even slightly, then your insides must be composed of stone!! I have been in many relationships where the break up actually brought such great relief; however, those little things that reminded me of the other person or the proverbial "good times" were still killer and quite painful. In those instances, it was not the break up that I dreaded; it was more the after-effects of the break up --- primarily the readjustment to single life --- that was just unbearable. 

I think that many people stay in relationships just to avoid that very discomfort. I'm not one of those people. Don't get me wrong though, I'll do my best to make things work - if the relationship is worth salvaging - but when I'm done, I'm done. I've learned from my own personal experiences that there is a reason that relationships end, and going back for a second round is generally a waste of time. I realize that is not always the case for everyone, but it seems to ring true more often than not for me. Wow! Am I jaded? I sound kind of jaded!!! :-D

I'm also including another hit by Naked Eyes below the lyrics ("Promises, Promises") because I doubt that I will have time to revisit them again...

I walk along the city streets you used to walk along with me,
and every step I take reminds me of just how we used to be.
Well, how can I forget you, girl?
When there is always something there to remind me.
always something there to remind me.
As shadows fall, I pass a small cafe where we would dance at night.
And I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight
Well, how can I forget you, girl?
When there is always something there to remind me.
always something there to remind me.
I was born to love her, and I will never be free.
You'll always be a part of me.

If you should find you miss the sweet and tender love we used to share.
Just go back to the places where we used to go, and I'll be there
Well, how can I forget you, girl?
When there is always something there to remind me.
always something there to remind me.
I was born to love her, and I will never be free
You'll always be a part of me.
'cause there is always something there to remind me.
always something there to remind me.
always something there to remind me.

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